Brace Yourself: Expect Roadblocks in Medellín and Antioquia Today!


The⁤ Medellin Mobility Secretariat reports that the road to Las ​Palmas has reduced mobility due to the truckers’ strike. Photo: ⁢ @sttmed

Municipalities in the Aburrá Valley and Antioquia are experiencing significant traffic disruptions this⁤ Thursday,⁣ March ⁤5, due to ⁢roadblocks that have created‍ chaos on major routes.

The ⁣Medellin ⁣Mobility Secretariat has announced that mobility is severely reduced ⁢on Las Palmas Avenue, particularly around return 5, in the West – East direction. A blockade was initiated by space ‌transporters and taxi drivers at the entrance to the Eastern ⁣Tunnel.

José María Córdova Airport urges travelers⁤ to arrive early to avoid missing their ‌flights amidst these disruptions.

In​ Caldas, the ⁤blockade situation is particularly dire as transporters have parked their vehicles ⁤at key locations along ‍the bypass.

Blockades on the road ​to ​Barbosa have also been​ reported, disrupting emergency services. ⁣An ambulance carrying a⁤ critically ill patient faced delays​ due‍ to these obstructions.

“We appeal to‍ everyone‌ not ⁢to obstruct​ ambulances, as they carry patients in⁤ need of urgent care,” stated Javier Gamarra, manager of ⁢the Yondó ​hospital.

While⁢ no major slowdowns ⁤are planned like those of ‍the ‍previous day, various entrances‍ to Medellin will experience blockades​ in Bello, ⁢Girardota, Copacabana, Caldas, Barbosa, and on the ​Hatillo road.

Current Status‍ of ‍Antioquia’s Roads

Traffic conditions ⁢remain critical ⁣on‌ the Medellín – Bogotá highway near Guarne, where intermittent closures have caused traffic jams since Sunday‍ evening.

Numerous⁣ blockades have been ⁣reported ⁢in eastern‌ Antioquia, particularly on ⁤the Medellín-Bogotá highway around San Luis and ⁣on the road connecting El Carmen de Viboral to Rionegro.

In​ northern Antioquia, Yarumal (La Estación sector) and​ Medellín-Llanos de Cuivá ⁤highway ‌are also experiencing intermittent‍ roadblocks. In ‍Caucasia’s Bajo Cauca region, ⁢restricted access persists at Glorieta de Campo and the Amagá ⁣highway.

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