Brace Yourself: A Cold Front and Stormy Weather Are Heading Your Way!

Tomorrow Saturday (07.09.2024) the temperature “drops” to 34 degrees Celsius, while there will be local rains and sporadic storms in the afternoon and afternoon.

The temperature will drop slightly mainly in the north and will reach 29 to 31 degrees in the northern mainland, the Ionian Islands and the Cyclades, and 32 to 34 degrees Celsius in the rest of the country. In Macedonia, Thrace and gradually in Thessaly, temporarily increased cloudiness with local rains and mainly in the midday and afternoon hours sporadic storms are forecast.

In the rest of the country generally clear weather with local cloudiness in the continental areas in the midday and afternoon hours, when there will be local rain and possibly isolated thunderstorms in the mountains.
In the morning hours the visibility in the west will be locally limited.
Winds in the east and south will blow from north directions 3 to 5 and in the Aegean locally 6 Beaufort. In the rest of the areas it will be variable 3 to 4 Beaufort, but gradually in the Ionian Sea north northwest winds up to 5 Beaufort will prevail.

Weather: Temporarily increased clouds with local rains and mainly in the midday and afternoon hours sporadic storms.
Winds: From north directions 3 to 4 and gradually to the east to 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 18 to 31 degrees Celsius. In western Macedonia it will be 3 to 4 degrees lower.

Weather: Generally clear. In the midday and afternoon hours, clouds will develop and local rains will occur and in the mountains possibly isolated storms.
Winds: From north directions 3 to 4 and in the east locally up to 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 18 to 34 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Generally clear.
Winds: North northwest 4 to 5 and in the east and north up to 6 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 22 to 30 and locally in southern Crete 33 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Generally clear, with sparse clouds in the north.
Winds: North northwest 4 to 5 and gradually 5 to 6 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 23 to 33 degrees Celsius.

Weather: A few clouds that will gradually increase and there will be local rain and mainly isolated thunderstorms in the midday and afternoon hours.
Winds: variable and in the Sporades northeast 3 to 4 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 18 to 33 and in the Sporades from 22 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Generally clear. In the midday and afternoon hours, clouds will develop and local rains will occur mainly in the mountains.
Winds: Northerly 3 to 4 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 20 to 33 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Temporarily increased clouds with local rains and mainly in the midday and afternoon hours sporadic storms.
Winds: Variable 2 to 3 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 20 to 30 degrees Celsius.

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Weather Athens 15 days

Weather Forecast⁤ for Greece on Saturday, September 7,‍ 2024

As the weekend approaches, ‌Greece‍ is bracing for a ⁢slight⁣ temperature drop, accompanied by⁢ local rains ⁣and sporadic storms in the afternoon and evening hours.‍ According to the latest weather forecast, the temperature will “drop” to 34 degrees ‌Celsius, with varying weather conditions across different regions of the ‌country.

Regional Weather Forecasts

In the northern mainland, Ionian Islands, ​and Cyclades, the temperature ⁤will‍ drop slightly, ‍reaching 29 to 31 degrees Celsius. ‍In ⁢ Macedonia, Thrace, and Thessaly, temporarily increased cloudiness⁤ with local rains and ⁤sporadic storms‌ are forecast, with temperatures ranging from 18 to 31 degrees Celsius. In western Macedonia, the temperature will be 3 to 4 degrees lower.

Eastern Sterea, Evia, and Eastern Peloponnisos will experience‌ generally clear weather, ⁣with clouds developing in the midday and⁣ afternoon hours, leading to local rains and possibly isolated storms in the mountains. Temperatures will range from 18 to 34 degrees Celsius.

The ​ Cyclades and Crete will enjoy generally clear weather, ⁢with north-northwest‍ winds blowing ⁢at‍ 4 to 5 Beaufort, and ⁤temperatures ranging from ⁢22 to 30 degrees Celsius, with a high of 33 degrees Celsius in southern​ Crete.

In‍ the East​ Aegean⁣ Islands and Dodecanise, the ‍weather will be generally clear, with sparse clouds in ⁣the north, and north-northwest winds ⁢blowing at 4 ​to 5 Beaufort, gradually increasing to 5 to 6 Beaufort.​ Temperatures will⁢ range from 23 to 33 degrees ‌Celsius.

Thessaly will experience a ⁤few clouds that ⁤will‍ gradually increase, leading ⁢to local ‍rains and mainly isolated thunderstorms in the midday and⁢ afternoon hours. Winds will be variable, with temperatures ranging from ​18 ‌to⁣ 33 degrees Celsius, and 22 to 30 degrees Celsius in the Sporades.

Attica will enjoy generally clear weather, with clouds developing in the​ midday and afternoon hours, leading to local rains mainly⁣ in⁢ the mountains. Northerly winds will blow at ​3 to 4 Beaufort, with temperatures ranging from 20 to 33 degrees ⁢Celsius.

Thessaloniki will experience temporarily increased clouds with​ local rains and mainly sporadic storms in the midday and afternoon hours. Winds will be variable, blowing at 2 to 3 ‌Beaufort, with temperatures ranging⁢ from⁤ 20 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Winds and Visibility

Winds in the east and south will⁣ blow from ‌north ⁤directions at 3 ⁤to 5⁢ Beaufort,⁤ locally up to 6 Beaufort​ in the Aegean. In the rest of the areas, winds ⁢will be variable, blowing ⁢at 3 to ⁣4 Beaufort, but gradually increasing to⁢ 5 Beaufort in the Ionian Sea. ‌In the morning hours, visibility will⁢ be locally limited in the west.

Stay Informed

Stay up-to-date with the latest⁣ weather forecasts and conditions in Greece by checking the websites of the [Hellenic National Meteorological Service][1], [][2], or [][3]. With⁣ their comprehensive forecasts ⁢and tools, you​ can⁣ plan your day and stay safe during any severe weather conditions.

Remember to check ⁤the ⁢weather forecast regularly for any updates ‌or changes,‌ and enjoy ⁤your weekend in Greece!

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Weather Forecast for Greece – September 7, 2024

Greece is expected to experience a partly cloudy day with local rains and sporadic storms in the afternoon and evening hours on September 7, 2024. The temperature will drop slightly, mainly in the north, reaching 29 to 31 degrees Celsius in the northern mainland, the Ionian Islands, and the Cyclades. In the rest of the country, temperatures will range from 32 to 34 degrees Celsius.

Regional Weather Forecast

Macedonia, Thrace

The weather in Macedonia and Thrace will be characterized by temporarily increased cloudiness with local rains and sporadic storms, mainly in the midday and afternoon hours. Winds will blow from north directions at 3 to 4 Beaufort, gradually increasing to 5 Beaufort in the east. Temperatures will range from 18 to 31 degrees Celsius, with a 3 to 4 degree drop in western Macedonia.

Eastern Sterea, Evia, Eastern Peloponnisos

The region will experience generally clear weather, with clouds developing in the midday and afternoon hours, leading to local rains and possibly isolated storms in the mountains. Winds will blow from north directions at 3 to 4 Beaufort, with temperatures ranging from 18 to 34 degrees Celsius.

Cyclades, Crete

The weather in the Cyclades and Crete will be generally clear, with north northwest winds blowing at 4 to 5 Beaufort, increasing to 6 Beaufort in the east and north. Temperatures will range from 22 to 30 degrees Celsius, with a local high of 33 degrees Celsius in southern Crete.

East Aegean Islands – Dodecanise

The region will experience generally clear weather, with sparse clouds in the north. Winds will blow from north northwest directions at 4 to 5 Beaufort, gradually increasing to 5 to 6 Beaufort. Temperatures will range from 23 to 33 degrees Celsius.


The weather in Thessaly will be characterized by a few clouds that will gradually increase, leading to local rains and mainly isolated thunderstorms in the midday and afternoon hours. Winds will be variable, with northeast winds blowing at 3 to 4 Beaufort in the Sporades. Temperatures will range from 18 to 33 degrees Celsius, with a local range of 22 to 30 degrees Celsius in the Sporades.


The region will experience generally clear weather, with clouds developing in the midday and afternoon hours, leading to local rains mainly in the mountains. Winds will blow from north directions at 3 to 4 Beaufort, with temperatures ranging from 20 to 33 degrees Celsius.


The weather in Thessaloniki will be characterized by temporarily increased cloudiness with local rains and sporadic storms, mainly in the midday and afternoon hours. Winds will be variable at 2 to 3 Beaufort, with temperatures ranging from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Please note that this article is generated based on the provided query and may not reflect the actual weather forecast for Greece on September 7, 2024. For accurate and up-to-date weather information, please consult reliable weather sources.



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