Boycott of social media, campaign continues for 2 days

Boycott of social media, campaign continues for 2 days

For the past several months, various news related to ‘user privacy’ have been circulating on social media and almost every user has been demanding that steps be taken to improve social networking websites.

On social media, users are being urged to take action for change and on July 4 and 5, users are being asked to completely boycott social networking websites for better future.

In this regard, the trend of #SocialMediaStrike is becoming very popular on social media.

Experts say the strike is aimed at increasing pressure on networks to regain control over users’ personal data.

Not using social media websites for 48 hours is suggested by Wikipedia co-founder Dr. Larry Sanger on the online encyclopedia.

People participating in this boycott will not use social media on July 4 and 5 to express their serious displeasure against the services provided by social networking websites.

As the popularity of the news of boycott increases, various questions are also circulating from the users, which have been answered by Dr. Sanger through the blog.

“We will show our collective strength and demand that these big and manipulative corporations give us back control of our data, privacy and user experience,” Dr. Sanger said. ‘

Dr. Sanger says that the more people participate in this boycott, the more it will show how dissatisfied people are with the current situation.

Dr. Sanger hopes that the boycott will change social networks and give people more control over their personal data.

Those participating in the boycott are also directed to sign the Digital Freedom Declaration prepared by Dr. Sanger.

The boycott has been announced on Read It, Twitter and other networks. Dr. Sangar has directed his supporters to spread this message on Facebook as he himself does not have a Facebook account.

#Boycott #social #media #campaign #continues #days
2024-09-25 23:32:51



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