BOUILLARGUES Véronique Sanson, in love – Objectif Gard

Véronique Sanson sits at the piano and enchants the arenas of Bouillargues (Photo Yannick Pons)

Véronique Sanson, in love with her audience yesterday at the arenas of Bouillargues, offered an intense recital to the thousand people who came to share an intimate moment with her.

All tickets sold out within weeks. “After Dutronc, it’s Sanson. We are pleased. A thousand people in the arena, maximum gauge, it’s an intimate evening where the public is close to the artist “launches Maurice Gaillard, the mayor of Bouillargues who presented the concert with Stéphane Kochoyan.

Véronique Sanson, sometimes fragile but always very strong for an hour and a half, held the stage in absolute class. And that voice, so powerful. By opening with I don’t care about anything, the singer announces the color and gently thrills the spectators. She seems very happy to be there and communing with her audience. Then Véronique Sanson sits down at the piano. First standing ovation after I missed myself so muchyet she did not miss her start.

Véronique Sanson in concert at the arenas of Bouillargues (Photo Yannick Pons)

On Funny life, the audience gets up as one man and approaches the stage to dance. The artist stacks the tubes, Vancouver, Nothing But Water and presents its musicians. Guitarist Basile Leroux, his old accomplice, “we almost got married”, she says, Dominique Bertram and his “sexophonist”, she says mischievously before singing Bernard’s song.

Véronique Sanson with guitarist Basile Leroux, her old accomplice, “we almost got married” (Photo Yannick Pons)

The musicians desert the stage and the public demands in love then she comes back. “It’s so beautiful to have a piece of you, it’s happiness”, she whispers. So it will be in love, sitting at the piano, like at the Olympia in 1976. Well, almost. The same power, the same strength in the voice despite the years. Despite the feverishness of the ages. The public accompanies him singing Bahia which closes the discussion. A nice page was turned here last night.

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Yannick Pons

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