Boudry NE: Spanish kidnapped sons – Swiss police find the little ones locked up

published10. June 2022, 18:36

Verónica Saldaña kidnapped her children to keep them away from their father. Now the Spanish police have tracked her down in Boudry NE.

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Verónica Saldaña and her children were tracked down by Spanish police in Boudry NE in early June 2021.

The two seven-year-old twins I. and J. were kidnapped by their mother in July 2020.

The two seven-year-old twins I. and J. were kidnapped by their mother in July 2020.

Civil Guard

Saldaña always stated in court that her ex would sexually abuse the children.  They mightn't testify because they were autistic.  According to witnesses, none of this is true.

Saldaña always stated in court that her ex would sexually abuse the children. They mightn’t testify because they were autistic. According to witnesses, none of this is true.

The Spaniard Verónica Saldaña had been wanted for almost a year – the Spanish police have now discovered the mother of two in Boudry in the canton of Neuchâtel. Saldaña, from the town of Pozuelo de Alarcón, a suburb of Madrid, disappeared with her seven-year-old twins following disobeying orders from a Spanish family court. The mother had kidnapped her children in a custody dispute with her ex. She never sent her children to school, and the boys are said to have never been to the doctor.

Like the newspaper «The world» reported, the Spanish police initially followed the mother’s tracks from Madrid to Tarragona, where part of her family lives. After that, Saldaña is said to have traveled illegally to France with the children, eventually settling in Switzerland.

The children have no contact with other children

When the Swiss police tracked down the house in Boudry targeted by their Spanish colleagues last Thursday, the children were locked in the apartment with their maternal grandparents; the mother was not present. The seven-year-olds, who don’t speak French, hadn’t started school here either. They had no contact with other children.

However, the children were placed in a Swiss nursing home, and two days later Verónica Saldaña reported to a Bern court. Her ex José Manuel Ortiz also traveled to Switzerland to take care of their sons.

Mom accused her ex of sexually abusing the kids

The case has been occupying the Spanish judiciary for a year and a half when a custody dispute broke out between the spouses. In court, Saldaña accused her ex of sexually abusing the children. The mother stated that the sons might not talk regarding their father’s abuse themselves because they were autistic. But the twins were never declared autistic by a doctor. “Since the courts didn’t agree with her, she took the children with her and repeatedly reported me,” says Ortiz.

When the conflict between Saldaña and Ortiz began, a Spanish welfare agency found the children to be in a neglected state. Several witnesses stated in hearings that the mother “totally neglected” her sons. One of the witnesses stated that they were not autistic either. “I’ve always seen them as normal children, they played with me and behaved normally.”

Saldaña’s best friend had initially helped the mother escape – until she found out that everything was “a set-up” to keep José Manuel Ortiz away from his sons. After Saldaña abruptly left the woman’s home for a police search, the friend found a packet of pediatric tranquilizers.

Now the Swiss judiciary must act

According to police sources, Saldaña used cover-up tactics “typical of organized crime or terrorism” in her escape. In addition, she is said to have been advised by the organization “Infancia Libre” (translated “Free Childhood”), writes “The world». This would support women who want to take their children away from their fathers using procedural tricks.

The fact that Saldaña settled in Boudry NE was no coincidence, say the Spanish authorities. She probably chose the village because of its proximity to the French border in order to flee quickly to another country. In addition, the investigators assume that Saldaña was instructed by “Infancia Libre” to flee to a country that is part of the Schengen Agreement but not the European Union, in order to try to use a new procedure to gain access to the Father’s to continue to hinder the children. Now the Spanish judiciary has asked the Swiss courts to act.

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