BOTSI®-Advisor Illinois Tool Works upgrade from rank 182 to rank 169

Illinois Tool Works is part of the Plus investment universe, which comprises 247 stocks. In the major trend analysis of May 27, 2022, the title rose from rank 182 to rank 169.

The model portfolio of the Plus is controlled by the BOTSI®-Advisor, an investment robot for the active control of stock portfolios, developed according to the latest scientific findings on trend following.

BOTSI® stands for Bis-of-Tgive-System-Investment, whereby the model portfolio of the Plus controlled by the BOTSI®-Advisor has averaged since 1999 in retrospect 22,4% p.a. and the winner is.

All historical trades are available online. The sample portfolio invests in up to ten top stocks and is easy to replicate. With the free and completely non-binding login for the Plus you will have full access to the huge online area and the latest recommendations in just a few minutes. You too can benefit from the trendiest top stocks!

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PS: Illinois Tool Works is a champion stock from the stock letter and has gained 494% since the initial recommendation. You can read the current share letter issue download here for free…


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