Nicotine contained in cigarettes adversely affects various organs of the human body, such as the respiratory and circulatory organs. If you are addicted to nicotine through frequent smoking, your risk of developing serious diseases such as stroke, arrhythmia and lung cancer is very high. Smoking in pregnant women also slows the growth of the fetus and increases the chances of the fetus being born with a low birth weight or a birth defect.
Smoking is harmful to the health of not only smokers but also secondhand smokers. A secondhand smoker is a non-smoker who has been exposed to the smoke of a smoker. When a smoker inhales cigarette smoke, the nicotine in the smoke builds up in the body. This increases the risk of cancer in secondhand smokers. To prevent diseases caused by nicotine, both smokers and secondhand smokers should check for nicotine addiction.
◇ Two-line summary of the nicotine test
Nicotine is a toxic substance contained in tobacco and causes various diseases such as paralysis of nerve tissue and high blood pressure. A nicotine test is a test to diagnose nicotine addiction.
◇ What kind of test is it?
The nicotine test includes a blood test and a urine test. The blood test uses blood drawn from the patient’s arm, and the urine test uses the patient’s urine as a sample. This is a method to confirm nicotine addiction by measuring the concentrations of nicotine and cotinine in a sample. Cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine, is useful in diagnosing nicotine addiction because of its constant concentration and high sensitivity in the body.
A urine test can also be performed with a self-diagnostic kit. When using the diagnostic kit, before the test, following collecting urine in a disposable cup, use a dropper to drop 2-3 drops of urine on the reader, and the test results can be checked within 1-3 minutes. There is nothing to prepare before the test.
◇ Who and when should I receive it?
All smokers should perform a nicotine test to diagnose nicotine addiction. Pregnant women who smoke, in particular, should be tested for the health of themselves and the fetus. Even if you are a non-smoker, if your family or co-workers are smokers, you should get a nicotine test to check your health. In addition, since nicotine is fatal to children under the age of 10 living with parents who smoke, a nicotine test must be performed.
◇ Nicotine test results
– Normal findings
· Blood sample: <25 ng/mL
· Urine sample: less than 500 ng/mL or C and T
“I’m not addicted to nicotine.”
A blood test reading of less than 25 ng/mL, a urine test reading of less than 500 ng/mL, and lines C and T on the self-diagnostic kit indicate non-nicotine addiction. To stay healthy, you need to quit smoking and maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, when the self-diagnostic kit is performed, if a line is drawn on only T or there is no line on both sides, the test should be re-tested.
– abnormal findings
· Blood sample: 25 ng/mL or greater
· Urine sample: >500 ng/mL or C
“I’m addicted to nicotine.”
A blood test level of 25 ng/mL or higher, a urine test level of 500 ng/mL or higher, and a line with only C in the self-diagnostic kit indicates nicotine addiction. Smoking cessation therapy should lower nicotine and cotinine levels. National Health Insurance Corporation integrated websiteYou can find an institution close to your home and get treatment for smoking cessation. Applying nicotine replacement therapy, such as nicotine patches and gum, is also a way to treat nicotine addiction.
Supervision = Hidak Consulting Doctor Seunghwa Lee (Seongnam City Medical Center Family Medicine Specialist)