Bosnia Tightens Work Permit Regulations to Curb Misuse by Pakistani Workers

The Bosnian government has canceled the work permits of 39 Pakistanis for misusing work permits or work visas.

In a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia, it is said that these Pakistanis went to Croatia and Schengen countries in violation of the laws.

Bosnia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also taking action against 14 Bangladeshi nationals under the same charge. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has warned that action will be taken against those found to have misused work permits and tried to use Bosnia as a transit point.

Bosnia and Herzegovina is in dire need of a quality workforce. It has preferred to import manpower from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal. Bosnia and Herzegovina is also a good country in terms of income, but still skilled workers from underdeveloped countries are eager to move to EU countries.

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The government says there are good earning opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but people are reluctant to use work permits to travel to Croatia and EU countries (including Schengen).

A work permit must be applied for after entering the country on a valid Bosnia visa. This application is submitted by the employer. Work permit is issued for one year which can be extended.

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#Crackdown #Pakistanis #misuse #Bosnian #work #permits #World
2024-09-06 20:42:22

What measures is‌ the Bosnian government ‍implementing to prevent the ⁢misuse of work‍ permits by foreign nationals?

Misuse of Work Permits in Bosnia and Herzegovina:⁢ A Growing Concern

In a recent move, the Bosnian ‌government has canceled the work permits of 39 Pakistani nationals‍ for misusing their work permits or visas. This decision comes after it was discovered that ⁤these individuals had traveled to Croatia and Schengen ⁤countries in violation of the ‍laws. The ⁢Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia has also taken action against 14 Bangladeshi nationals under the same⁤ charge.

The Importance of Work Permits in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, ⁣work permits are issued by the relevant employment service authorities to foreigners who wish to work in the country⁢ [[2]]. The procedure‌ for obtaining a work⁤ permit is outlined by the government, and it involves several steps. According to the official publication by the Foreign Investment ​Promotion Agency (FIPA), work permits⁤ in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are issued by Cantonal Employment Services [[1]]. The Procedure for Issuing Work Permits to Foreigners, published by‍ the Sarajevo Canton ⁣Employment Service, outlines the goals and⁤ purposes of the procedure, ⁤as well as⁢ the steps involved⁢ in obtaining a work permit [[3]].

Why Skilled​ Workers Are Attracted to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina is‍ in dire need of a quality workforce, and ⁢as such, it has⁣ preferred to import manpower from​ countries such as‌ Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. The country offers good earning opportunities,⁢ making it an attractive destination for skilled workers from underdeveloped countries. ‌However, ‌many of these workers are ⁢also eager to move to EU countries, which ⁢has led to concerns about ‌the misuse of work permits ‍and visas.

Consequences of Misusing Work Permits

The cancellation of‌ work permits and visas for Pakistani and Bangladeshi nationals who have misused them serves as a warning to others who may be tempted to do the same. The Ministry of⁢ Foreign Affairs has warned that action will⁤ be taken against those found to have ⁢misused⁤ work permits and tried to use Bosnia‌ as a transit point. This move is aimed at protecting the integrity of the country’s ⁣immigration system and ensuring that ‌only⁣ those who comply‌ with​ the ‌laws ⁣and regulations are allowed to work and live in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


the cancellation of work permits for Pakistani ‍and Bangladeshi ⁢nationals who have misused them is a necessary step to maintain the integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s immigration system. ​The government’s efforts to crack down on the⁤ misuse of work permits and visas will help to ensure that the country’s workforce is composed⁤ of ​skilled and honest workers who comply with the ‌laws and regulations. As Bosnia and Herzegovina continues to attract skilled workers from around the world, it is essential to have a robust system ​in place to prevent the misuse of work permits and visas.

Keywords: Bosnia and⁢ Herzegovina, work permits, work ‍visas, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, immigration system.

Bosnia work permit processing time

Misuse of Work Permits in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Growing Concern

The Bosnian government has recently cracked down on the misuse of work permits by foreign nationals, canceling the work permits of 39 Pakistani nationals and taking action against 14 Bangladeshi nationals who have misused their work permits or visas. This move comes after it was discovered that these individuals had traveled to Croatia and Schengen countries in violation of the laws.

The Importance of Work Permits in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, work permits are issued by the relevant employment service authorities to foreigners who wish to work in the country [[2]]. The procedure for obtaining a work permit is outlined by the government and involves several steps. According to the official publication by the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA), work permits in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are issued by Cantonal Employment Services [[1]]. The Procedure for Issuing Work Permits to Foreigners, published by the Sarajevo Canton Employment Service, outlines the goals and purposes of the procedure, as well as the steps involved in obtaining a work permit [[3]].

Why Skilled Workers Are Attracted to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina is in dire need of a quality workforce, and as such, it has preferred to import manpower from countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. The country offers good earning opportunities, making it an attractive destination for skilled workers from underdeveloped countries. However, many of these workers are also eager to move to EU countries, which has led to concerns about the misuse of work permits and visas.

Consequences of Misusing Work Permits

The cancellation of work permits and visas for Pakistani and Bangladeshi nationals who have misused them serves as a warning to others who may be tempted to do the same. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has warned that action will be taken against those found to have misused work permits and tried to use Bosnia as a transit point. This move is aimed at protecting the integrity of the country’s immigration system and ensuring that only those who comply with the laws and regulations are allowed to work and live in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The cancellation of work permits



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