Börse Express – OTS: Association of Sparda Banks eV / Association of Sparda Banks welcomes …

Association of Sparda Banks welcomes farewell to negative interest rates

Frankfurt (ots) – “We waited a long time for this step by the ECB, which had no alternative

waited. Finally she has acknowledged the reality and the long overdue one

brought regarding a turnaround in interest rates. Already in July 2021 we met with the

former constitutional judge Prof. Paul Kirchhof for the end of

Negative interest rate policy used and our demands on politicians, the ECB and

Bundesbank, approached. Today we are facing the consequences of the failure of the ECB

Interest rate policy – massive inflation with implications for the economy and

society in uncertain times. Your only mission, price stability

to ensure that the ECB has violated. Now she’s sending an overdue signal

for the normalization of monetary policy. Our customers benefit from the

Interest rate development, the custody fees at the Sparda banks are timely

abolished. But one thing should be clear from now on: such a violation of the

core mandate of the ECB must not be repeated,” said the CEO

of the Association of Sparda Banks, Florian RENTSCH.

About the book “Money in the wake of negative interest rates”

The legal elaboration by Prof. Paul Kirchhof is available as a book

was published by Verlag CH Beck under the title “Money in the wake of negative interest rates”.

and commercially available since July 6, 2021.

Sparda aspects for download

The Association of Sparda Banks published issue 9 of the “SpardaAspekte” series

The problem of negative interest rates for the banking market and demands on politicians and

Regulation in a position paper “The long-term domino effect for stable

Business Models”. This is under

https://sparda-verband.de/unserePOSITIONS/ available for download.

About the Association of Sparda Banks

The association of Sparda banks registered association with seat in Frankfurt am Main is

Auditing association within the meaning of the cooperative law. As a “staff position” he is

also the mouthpiece of the group to the outside world. In addition to examining the

Association members are also responsible for advising and supporting the association

legally and economically independent Sparda banks in

cooperative, legal, tax, business,

organizational and personnel matters. In addition, he takes

the tasks of advocacy and promotes the political

Dealing with social and financial issues.

About the Sparda Group

The group of Sparda banks consists of eleven economically and legally

independent Sparda banks in Germany. With four million customers and 3.3

million members, the institutes are among the most important retail banks in

Germany. The Sparda banks are a cooperative member of the

Federal Association of German Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken (BVR) and part of

Cooperative Financial Group.

Press contact:

katja riedel

Advisor to the Management Board / Public Relations

Association of Sparda banks eV

Tower 185 – 17. Etage

Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 35-37

60327 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49 (0) 69 / 79 20 94 – 150

Fax: +49 (0) 69 / 79 20 94 – 190

Email: mailto:pressekontakt@sparda-verband.de

Further material: http://presseportal.de/pm/76672/5280255

OTS: Association of Sparda Banks eV

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