Börse Express – Mercedes boss Källenius with higher earnings in 2021

STUTTGART (dpa-AFX) – Mercedes-Benz Boss Ola Källenius earned more in 2021 due to the carmaker’s good business. The total remuneration was 6.14 million euros after 5.87 million euros in the same period last year, according to the remuneration report published in Stuttgart on Friday.

Regardless of the chip crisis, Mercedes-Benz had expanded its business and earned considerably more. The net profit of the group, which was still trading under the name of Daimler last year, was 23 billion euros, which was about six times as much as before thanks to valuation effects. “2021 was a year of upheaval for Mercedes-Benz,” said the CEO with a view to the spin-off of the large truck business from Daimler Truck said in December. The prestigious car division, which is trimmed for luxury and returns, is now bundled at Mercedes-Benz.

Thanks to the jump in profits, the carmaker is increasing the dividend for shareholders to EUR 5 per share after EUR 1.35 previously. Despite falling car sales, sales rose by nine percent to 168 billion euros./ols/men

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