Borrell: Resuming Ukraine’s grain exports is a matter of life or death

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Borrell said upon arrival at Brussels To attend a meeting of foreign ministers of countries European Union Dedicated to search in war on ukrainethat "The lives of tens of thousands of people depend on this agreement being negotiated between Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the United States"as quoted "AFP".

and announced Russian Ministry of DefenseFriday, that "final document" Will be ready soon, to allow export cereal From Ukraine, following negotiations that took place last week in Turkey, with the participation of Moscow, Kiev, Ankara and the United Nations.

Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said: "suggestions Russia I got the support of all the participants in the consultations, and very soon it will finish editing the final document entitled (Black Sea Initiative)".

According to the ministry, "Russia has proposed measures to ensure the transportation of foodstuffs to foreign countries, including Russian partners, to exclude the use of supply chains to supply the Kyiv system. with weapons and military equipment, as well as to prevent provocations".

And Thursday, announced Turkey An agreement with Ukraine, Russia and the United Nations aims to resume Ukrainian grain exports suspended by Russia, raising the prospects of ending a crisis that puts millions at risk of starvation.

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar stated that the agreement will be signed when the two sides meet once more next week, and it will include joint controls for checking grain at ports, and Turkey will guarantee the safety of Ukrainian grain export corridors across the Black Sea.

Earlier, Ukraine said that the agreement "two steps away" Only, for his part, said the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, that it had been taken "An important and essential step" Towards the resumption of Ukrainian grain exports, but cautioned "More artwork is needed now to reflect today’s progress".

Speaking to reporters, Guterres said: "Hopefully, next week, we can reach a final agreement. But as I said, we still need a lot of goodwill and commitments from all parties".

He explained that despite the diplomatic communication between Ukraine and Russia, but "We still have a long way to go for Peace".


Borrell said upon arrival at Brussels To attend a meeting of foreign ministers of countries European Union Dedicated to search in war on ukraineThe lives of tens of thousands of people depend on this agreement being negotiated between Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and the United States, according to AFP.

and announced Russian Ministry of DefenseFriday, that a “final document” will be ready soon, to allow the export of cereal From Ukraine, following negotiations that took place last week in Turkey, with the participation of Moscow, Kiev, Ankara and the United Nations.

Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov stated: “Suggestions Russia I got the support of all the participants in the consultations, and very soon the final document entitled (Black Sea Initiative) will be finished.

According to the ministry, “Russia has proposed measures to ensure the transportation of foodstuffs to foreign countries, including Russian partners, to exclude the use of supply chains to supply the Kyiv system.” with weapons and military equipment, as well as to prevent provocations.

And Thursday, announced Turkey An agreement with Ukraine, Russia and the United Nations aims to resume Ukrainian grain exports suspended by Russia, raising the prospects of ending a crisis that puts millions at risk of starvation.

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar stated that the agreement will be signed when the two sides meet once more next week, and it will include joint controls for checking grain at ports, and Turkey will guarantee the safety of Ukrainian grain export corridors across the Black Sea.

Earlier, Ukraine said the agreement was “only two steps away”, and for his part, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that an “important and fundamental step” had been taken towards resuming Ukrainian grain exports, but cautioned that “more technical work is now needed to materialize The progress that has been made today.

Speaking to reporters, Guterres said: “We hope that next week, we can reach a final agreement. But as I said we still need a lot of goodwill and commitments from all parties.”

He explained that despite the diplomatic communication between Ukraine and Russia, “we still have a long way to go in order to Peace“.



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