Borrell Declares Maduro’s Leadership a ‘Authoritarian Regime

  • The head of European diplomacy insisted that there is no democracy in Venezuela. Main photo: EFE

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, described the government of Nicolás Maduro as “dictatorial” and “authoritarian”, in relation to the arbitrary arrests that have occurred in recent months, as well as the departure of Edmundo González from the country.

“But let us not deceive ourselves about the nature of things. Venezuela has called elections, but it was not a democracy before and it is not much less so after,” said Borrel in an interview with the Spanish channel Telecinco on September 15.

In addition to the departure from the country of Edmundo González, who has been in Spain seeking asylum since September 8, the head of European diplomacy also referred to the limitations to which political parties are subjected in Venezuela, in addition to the migration of more than seven million Venezuelans.

Photo: EFE

“What do you call all this? Well, of course, this is a dictatorial and authoritarian regime,” he stressed.

Josep Borrell’s statements on the political crisis in Venezuela

Josep Borrell has been critical of the government of Nicolás Maduro, following the political crisis that broke out in the country after the presidential elections of July 28, in which the National Electoral Council (CNE) declared Maduro the winner, results that were questioned by the Venezuelan opposition and a large part of the international community.

In this regard, since August 29, the diplomat has insisted on the need for the authorities in Venezuela to publish the minutes of the vote count.

He also urged the State to put an end to arbitrary arrests and repression against those who protest against the CNE results.

Borrell believes that it is time to reach a political agreement in Venezuela


On August 19, Borrel warned that if Maduro insists that he won the elections without the results being verified, the country “could enter a serious crisis.”

While on September 8, he spoke about the departure of Edmundo González, which he described as “a sad day for democracy.”

The European Union’s position on Venezuela

On August 24, the Council of the European Union issued a statement in which it mentioned that The organization remains concerned about the worsening of the post-electoral crisis in Venezuela.

The organization explained that until that date the CNE had not provided the public evidence necessary to evaluate the electoral process according to the standards indicated by the panel of experts from the United Nations (UN), who visited the country to observe the presidential elections on July 28.

Photo: EFE

The statement also referred to the ruling of the Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) that ratified the results announced by the CNE.

In the statement, the European body reiterated that it will only recognise complete and independently verified results. In this regard, it hopes that respect for the will of the Venezuelan people can be guaranteed.

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#Borrell #Maduro #government #dictatorial #regime
2024-09-16 06:34:00

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Purpose of the


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The ‍

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Example Usage

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