boris becker released from uk jail set to be deported

German tennis legend and former superstar Boris Bakker has been released from prison. Boris spent two and a half years in prison following a case related to financial transactions. After this he was released. (Boris Becker released from UK jail set to be deported)

Foreign media reports that it has been decided to deport the former star from Britain. The £50 billion deal involved private estates in Mallorca, Spain. When he might not repay this, he was sentenced.

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The sentence was handed down at Southwark Crown Court in South London. The court ordered his release today. There are reports that moves are being made to deport him.

Foreign media also reported that he had been transferred to Hundercombe prison in southern England for foreign criminals awaiting deportation. Having no British citizenship and serving a custodial sentence of more than 12 months resulted in deportation.

Story Highlights: boris becker released from uk jail set to be deported

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