Border of Hope, Not Barriers: A Call to Action for Mexico’s Future

Border of Hope, Not Barriers: A Call to Action for Mexico’s Future

TAPACHULA.- Religious leaders and migrants asked the government of Claudia Sheinbaum that the country’s southern border be “fraternal, not militarized” in the face of the abuses suffered by foreigners amid the record flow of migrants.

César Augusto Cañaveral, coordinator of the Pastoral Dimension of Human Mobility in the Diocese of Tapachularequested that attention be paid to the area in the presence of authorities that frighten migrants.

Religious ask for fraternal, non-militarized borders

“Let our borders be more militarized than fraternal, because extortions and crimes are found along the way.” human rights abuses of migrant brothersbut it is not local people but the institutions as such,” said the religious in a press conference.

In the latest security report from the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who left office on Monday, the deployment of 36,000 elements of the Armed Forces for migratory tasks.

In this context, the priest pointed out that Some agents also pose a risk to migrants“not only organized crime,” in the midst of the struggle between drug trafficking cartels in the southern part of Mexico.

“Who are migrants afraid of? Yes, certainly to organized crime, but also to the National Guard, to the police state, municipal and Immigration”

Migrants and members of the Catholic Church held a forum with testimonies about migration and refuge on the southern border of Mexico, where they asked for respect for life and dignity.

Lawsuits on Mexico’s southern border

They also demanded a stop racism, discrimination and xenophobiaand insecurity and extortion by organized crime and security corporations.

Honduran Karen Suyapa Osorto asked the Mexican government to support them and provide security because They are exposed to everythingbecause by fleeing their country due to crime the only thing they seek is to be free to cross Mexico, but they do not advance because of the dangers.

“We are exposed to everything, I travel with my family, I travel with five other people, four minors and another adult.”

“I find myself at the hostel and I will spend seven months in Tapachula and I have not made any progressfor the same reason that I am afraid to expose myself to my children because they are minors”

Although arrests on the border with the United States have decreased, irregular migration through Mexico rose 193% year-on-year in the first half of the year to exceed 712,000, according to the Government’s Migration Policy Unit.

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