Border controls: Emperor against the Minister of the Interior

Kaiser said on Wednesday that the numbers and the feedback from the emergency organizations had not given any reason to stick to this measure for a long time.

Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (VP) had announced the day before that he wanted to extend border controls with Slovenia and Hungary. Kaiser: “Not enough that the ÖVP annoys thousands of commuters and vacationers every day, there is no explanation for border controls with Slovenia, while the border crossings with Italy, where many refugees are actually stranded, are not checked.” An extension of the border controls to Hungary, on the other hand, has “greater plausibility,” according to Kaiser.

Karner: “Get into action”

Interior Minister Karner replied that there were not only direct border controls, but that there were also controls in other areas. In Slovakia and in Italy, for example, there are border controls (“manhunts with a veil”). The many “landings” in Lampedusa showed once again that action had to be taken at European level, said Karner. Karner received support from his party friend, the Styrian governor Christopher Drexler: He said he supported the extension of the controls because illegal migration had to be “consistently prevented”.

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Gerhard Karner

domestic policy

Karner wants to extend border controls to Hungary and Slovenia

VIENNA. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) wants to extend border controls with Hungary and Slovenia by a further six months.

Karner wants to extend border controls to Hungary and Slovenia


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