[Bordeaux] Op@le, A & I fights for you and gets results. – UNSA‑Education.com

On September 12, the first OP@LE monitoring committee was held, organized by the rectorate and in which A & I UNSA sat. This committee will subsequently meet every three months, at a minimum.
This first committee was an opportunity to present to the union organizations present the future waves of deployment and the first recommendations of the general inspectors on the deployment of the tool.

Regarding future waves : the feedback provided as part of the rectorate survey shows a fairly uniform distribution between the January 2025 and January 2026 waves, with around one hundred EPLEs for each. No establishment is positioned in September 2025 and fourteen are in September 2026. The January 2027 wave, which was not proposed in the survey, will be reserved for establishments that are technically constrained.
On this occasion, we expressed our concern regarding the situation of Landes colleges forced to switch from January 2025. The rectorate justifies this measure by the transfer of national education IT skills to the community and the end of HORUS servers.
This situation is unacceptable to us because it de facto deprives the establishments concerned of the effects of the easing decided last June.
We have also brought to the attention of the rectorate the individual situations that colleagues have reported to us. We have thus obtained that the colleges concerned can only move on in January 2026. The IT department will continue to maintain their HORUS server in the meantime.
The waves are scheduled to return to the ministry on September 19. The colleagues whose voices we were unable to represent must therefore contact the rectorate as soon as possible.

Regarding the recommendations of the general inspection : a synthesis is being developed at the national level and we hope to be able to present it to you quickly.

In essence, a point of vigilance is observed on the situations of suffering that the tool would bring out. In response to this, a strengthening of the management and academic support is envisaged. The rectorate notably intends
on the deployment of territorial referents, the framework of which he intends to review to attract more profiles.

The inspectors general also recommend that the tool be secured and simplified. We value this locally and nationally and will take part in any work that will go towards taking into account the feedback.



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