Boosting Your Morning Health: Water, Cabbage, Apples, and More

2023-08-20 02:30:16

Good food on an empty stomach in the morning… water, cabbage, apples, etc.

Enter 2023.08.18 15:12 Hits 14,484 Enter 2023.08.18 15:12 Edit 2023.08.19 09:23 Hits 14,484 Cabbage not only suppresses stomach health in the morning but also blood clot formation. [사진=클립아트코리아]

Right following waking up in the morning, the body’s metabolism drops sharply. The lack of water in the body also makes the blood sticky, which increases the risk of vascular disease. The wall of the stomach is also sensitive because it is in an empty stomach for more than 7 to 8 hours. What to eat at this time? Do you go to work without eating anything on the excuse of being busy?

The most dangerous behavior is smoking on an empty stomach… Secondhand smoke is more dangerous

There are people who start looking for cigarettes as soon as they wake up in the morning. If you live in an apartment, come out to the flower bed to smoke. Smoke seeps into nearby homes and approaches people doing their morning workouts. Secondhand smoke, in which smoke is inhaled directly from the end of the cigarette without passing through a filter, is even more harmful. This is because there are more carcinogens (data from the National Cancer Information Center). If a smoker is on an empty stomach, cigarette smoke directly touches the gastric mucosa, increasing the risk of not only stomach cancer, but also oral cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, and bladder cancer.

Coffee on an empty stomach that harms the gastric mucosa… I like to drink following eating

Coffee has many advantages, but drinking it on an empty stomach can harm the gastric mucosa. If you have gastritis or stomach ulcers, it is better to refrain from coffee with a lot of caffeine. If you really want to drink coffee, it is better to drink it following filling your stomach with food to some extent. Black coffee without additives such as sugar helps digestion of food and helps in weight loss.

What foods are good for an empty stomach in the morning?

1) Water = Drink water before eating food. Even in summer, lukewarm water that does not irritate the stomach is good. It is good for blood that has become sticky due to lack of moisture overnight and helps to boost the metabolism that has fallen. It also contributes to flushing out stomach acid remaining on the stomach wall.

2) Cabbage = The effects of vitamins U and K improve the gastric mucosa. Vitamin U protects the stomach wall from harsh stomach acid and irritants, and vitamin K enhances the regeneration of the gastric mucosa when it is already damaged. It is easy to eat raw cabbage cut the day before. Another advantage is that you can eat less food with a feeling of fullness and comfort. The dietary fiber effect also helps with morning bowel movements.

3) Yogurt = Yogurt, which is fermented milk with lactic acid bacteria, is good for improving immunity as well as preventing constipation by helping the intestines peristalsis. Vitamin B group helps blood health and skin beauty. It also has the function of preventing the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine and maintaining an appropriate level of cholesterol in the blood. Lactic acid bacteria are weak once morest stomach acid, so it is good to eat following drinking water.

4) Eggs = In addition to protein that is good for muscles, vitamin A (maintaining eyesight-cell protection), vitamin D (immunity-calcium absorption), vitamin E (delaying aging), iron (blood health), calcium for strong bones, phosphorus, etc. Rich in various nutrients. Essential amino acids that must be eaten as food are the most ideally composed foods. It is also rich in choline, which is good for maintaining cognitive function.

5) Apples = There is a saying that morning apples are ‘gold’. Dietary fiber, photin, helps manage blood sugar by slowly absorbing glucose (carbohydrates), and helps prevent hyperlipidemia (dyslipidemia) and arteriosclerosis by expelling bad cholesterol (LDL) that accumulates in blood vessels out of the body and increasing good cholesterol (HDL). (Data from the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences). Pectin suppresses rapid rise in blood pressure and helps to clean the intestines, contributing to the discharge of harmful substances.

#empty #stomach #morning.. #Worst #habit #good #food

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