Boosting Your Immune System: Habits to Maintain Good Health and Prevent Disease

2023-06-28 10:58:08

[Voice of Hope, June 28, 2023](Editor: Li Wenhan) The strength of a person’s immune system can be reflected in many ways. If you don’t pay more attention and maintain good habits, you may cause certain diseases when your resistance becomes weak. Taking advantage of the emptiness, getting sick repeatedly, and taking medicine frequently will cause damage to the body to some extent. Therefore, we must pay close attention to this aspect and rescue it in time if abnormalities are found.

Gastrointestinalweak function(pixabay)

01Weak gastrointestinal function

A common symptom of people with poor resistance is that they are prone to digestive symptoms. The stomach is a disease alarm. To maintain health, you must develop good habits, especially pay attention to dietary details, choose the right food, and pay attention to fresh and hygienic ingredients in order to digest well. Nutrients are absorbed normally. However, those with weak resistance will let certain bacteria and microorganisms invade if they do not pay attention to their diet, which will cause gastrointestinal inflammation, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

02 Wounds are difficult to heal

For the same small wound, some people heal quickly and fully recover within two days, while others have not healed within a week, and even the wound is repeatedly infected, inflamed, and even purulent in severe cases. These changes indicate poor immunity. Because the speed of wound healing is related to the strength of resistance, good resistance can effectively resist bacterial invasion, and the healing speed is fast. On the contrary, there is no strong immune barrier to help resist, and small wounds heal slowly. In this case, you should pay attention to wound protection , while improving resistance.

frequent sweating(Voice of Hope Synthesis)

03 Frequent sweating

People with poor immunity often have the characteristics of physical weakness, and they will find themselves sweating at every turn. This kind of sweating is different from sweating in a hot environment to regulate body temperature. Even if they are not in a bad environment, they are in a comfortable and comfortable environment. In autumn and winter, I will also sweat cold. Excessive body water loss and abnormal metabolism will also have an impact. It is necessary to pay attention to abnormal sweating characteristics and actively improve immunity.

04 Get sick at every turn

Get sick at any time. Take the common cold as an example. The prevalence rate is higher than that of other groups. If you don’t pay attention to keeping warm, in autumn and winter, when you go to crowded places during the flu phase, you are easy to be infected. This is a characteristic of weak resistance. . Because the immune system is normally functioning and the physical condition is good, it can effectively resist the invasion of pathogens. Bacteria, viruses, and various microorganisms cannot break through the immune barrier, and basically they will not get sick. The main characteristics are a good mental state and a relaxed body. But if you can’t even resist the common cold virus, and you catch colds repeatedly, you will often have headaches, runny nose, sneezing, coughing and other symptoms after the onset of illness, which will affect your normal life.

Poor mental state (photoAC)

05 poor mental state

Whether a person’s mental state is good or not can infer the strength of immunity. People who take care of themselves properly pay attention to all aspects of life, regular work and rest, maintaining a good attitude, healthy exercise, and proper diet can activate the function of immune cells and play a role. But if you indulge yourself with bad habits, it will gradually bring harm to the body. In the process of weakening resistance, in addition to being prone to illness, people’s spirits will not be able to maintain a good state.

Finally, diet, exercise, psychology, and sleep are important cornerstones of immunity. To maintain good immunity and health, we must start with a healthy life.

Editor in charge: Li Zhi

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