Boosting Wheat Harvests: Navigating the Pros and Pitfalls of Nitrogen Fertilization in the Tillering Stage

The winter campaign is moving at high speed in the core region, driven by a climate that was favorable in some areas.

On the other hand, in the south of Córdoba38 frosts were generated, with extreme temperatures that occurred in July. In general, wheat that is planted at the end of May, so it had frosts in the tillering stage, which state could better withstand those low temperatures.

In this context, a research team from the INTA Marcos Juarezprovided recommendations to improve wheat yield with fertilization tools, putting nitrogen first and its benefits.

For this reason, the researcher Vincent Gudelj He explained that “the main factor in wheat performance is water, and fundamentally that stored before sowing, because It allows us to overcome the period of little rainfall that generally occurs at the end of winter. and until the first spring rains arrive.

Low refertilization of wheat is warned of, which could affect the quality of the harvest

The INTA research team recommends analyzing each batch of wheat in particular and, based on the results of the soil analysis, evaluating the feasibility of fertilizing or re-fertilizing with nitrogenthe crop conditions and the nitrogen fertilization carried out so far.


“Fertilization with nitrogen in wheat It is convenient to do it in pre-sowing or during sowing If we have a seeder that incorporates it to the side and under the seed,” explained the professional.

He also said that Nitrogen fertilization in tillering will depend on rainfall to incorporate that fertilizer.

He nitrogen (N)he phosphorus (P) and the sulfur (S) are nutrients in which there is a response to fertilization in wheat. zinc (Zn) It is another nutrient that once produced increased yields when applied to wheat crops.

Critical values ​​for phosphorus in soil range from 12 to 20 parts per million and for sulfur from 7 to 10 parts per million of S-SO4In this regard, the researcher clarified that “if the value is below these ranges, it is necessary to fertilize.

“As for the nitrogenshould be totaled between what is available at the time of sowing, plus what is available in the soil. Since this It mineralizes from sowing to physiological maturity about 140-150 kilos of nitrogen per hectarewhich can vary in a range of 120 to 160 kilos of nitrogen per hectare. Whatever is needed to reach that amount, discounting what the soil provides, must be added with fertilization,” explained Gudelj.


“If you decide to use liquid fertilizer such as UANspraying should be applied as early as possible during tillering to avoid further damage from burning and to enable the foliage to recover,” he said.

Likewise, a strategy that improves the use of nitrogen fertilizer, both UAN and UREA, is to be expectant of weather forecasts and carry out the application prior to a forecast of rainso that this nitrogen is incorporated into the soil.

In the south of Cordoba, A fertilizer was designed that incorporates liquid nitrogen during tilleringperpendicular to the sowing line, with a disc and shoe 38 centimeters apart between furrows, which allows for efficient application of nitrogen during crop tillering without depending on the rain to incorporate it.

Another possibility is –if there is a need to increase the percentage of protein in grain– Apply nitrogen in more advanced stages of growth, after the flag leaf. If this is done, UREA solution (20% NP/P) should be used as fertilizer, which has a low biuret content and low toxicity. Apply no more than 20 kilos per hectare, since the crop is very sensitive to phytotoxicity in this state.


On the other hand, faced with a campaign marked by The Girland then the rainfall was scarce, The producer must consider that the soil profile has a good water recharge for late summer and early fall.

“We have to take care of these reserves by doing good weed control in the fallow landfor which we must make applications more efficient using available technology,” he commented.

He also stated that in the event of having implemented cover crops, early growth should be suppressed “so that we have a greater remainder of water in the soil to be used by the summer crops to be planted,” concluded the researcher.

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for ⁢the title: **Optimizing Wheat Yield with Nitrogen Fertilization: Timing, Strategies, and Precautions**.

Optimizing Wheat Yield with‍ Nitrogen Fertilization: Timing, Strategies, and ‍Precautions

The winter wheat campaign is in full swing in​ the core⁣ region, with favorable climate conditions in some ‌areas and extreme temperatures⁢ in others, such as Córdoba, where 38 frosts were reported in the south. Wheat planted at the end of May was able to withstand these low temperatures due to its tillering stage. Amidst this context, a research team from INTA Marcos Juarez highlights the⁢ importance of fertilization ‌tools, ⁤particularly nitrogen,‌ to improve wheat yield.

The Importance of Nitrogen Fertilization

Nitrogen is a crucial nutrient ‌for ⁤wheat plants, performing various functions that⁢ significantly impact yield. According to [3], nitrogen is one‌ of the most ‍demanded nutrients⁤ by wheat plants. In‌ fact, a ⁤research team from Ohio State University‌ recommends applying nitrogen​ at different stages of ⁢wheat growth,⁣ with yields of 100⁤ bu/A, 90 ⁤bu/A, ​80 bu/A, and 70 bu/A requiring 120 lb N, 110 lb⁤ N, ⁤90 lb N, and 80⁤ lb N, respectively ⁤ [[2]].

The Best Time for Nitrogen Application

When‍ it comes to timing, researcher Vincent Gudelj suggests applying nitrogen ⁢in ⁢pre-sowing or during sowing

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title **”Optimizing Wheat Yield with Nitrogen Fertilization: Timing, Strategies, and Precautions”**:

Optimizing Wheat Yield with Nitrogen Fertilization: Timing, Strategies, and Precautions

The winter campaign is in full swing in the core region, driven by a favorable climate in some areas. However, in the south of Córdoba, 38 frosts were generated, with extreme temperatures that occurred in July. Wheat that is planted at the end of May, in the tillering stage, can better withstand low temperatures.

In this context, a research team from INTA Marcos Juarez provided recommendations to improve wheat yield with fertilization tools, putting nitrogen first and its benefits. The researcher, Vincent Gudelj, explained that the main factor in wheat performance is water, and fundamentally that stored before sowing, because it allows us to overcome the period of little rainfall that generally occurs at the end of winter and until the first spring rains arrive.

The Best Time for Nitrogen

The INTA research team recommends analyzing each batch of wheat in particular and, based on the results of the soil analysis, evaluating the feasibility of fertilizing or re-fertilizing with nitrogen, considering crop conditions and the nitrogen fertilization carried out so far.

Fertilization with nitrogen in wheat is convenient to do in pre-sowing or during sowing, if we have a seeder that incorporates it to the side and under the seed. Nitrogen fertilization in tillering will depend on rainfall to incorporate that fertilizer.

Nutrition Alternatives

Wheat plants need the following nutrients: Nitrogen (N), Potassium (K), Phosphorus (P) (Phosphate = PO₄³⁻), Sulphur (S) [[2]]. In addition, zinc (Zn) is another nutrient that once produced increased yields when applied to wheat crops.

Critical Values for Phosphorus and Sulphur

Critical values for phosphorus in soil range from 12 to 20 parts per million and for sulfur from 7 to 10 parts per million of S-SO4. If the value is below these ranges, it is necessary to fertilize.

Fertilizing Wheat in Minnesota

In Minnesota, for example, 15 to 30 lbs. N per acre should be applied in the fall either before or at the time of seeding. The remainder of the fertilizer N needed should be applied in the spring [[1]].

Take Care of Water

Water is the main factor in wheat performance, and fundamentally that stored before sowing, because it allows us to overcome the period of little rainfall that generally occurs at the end of winter and until the first spring rains arrive.

Nitrogen Fertilization in Tillering

Nitrogen fertilization in tillering will depend on rainfall to incorporate that fertilizer. It is convenient to do it in pre-sowing or during sowing, if we have a seeder that incorporates it to the side and under the seed.


Optimizing wheat yield with nitrogen fertilization requires careful planning and



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