2023-05-21 22:00:00
Product carousels, personalized suggestions and advertisements, chatbots… The e-commerce giants are always doing more to create the need for their customersin better and better targeting their desires, even their personality.
But if it is already essential among the giants of online sales, the artificial intelligence that allows all this will become a must for merchant sites regardless of their size. Retailers therefore have every interest in taking an interest as quickly as possible in this technology, which is becoming more democratic and opens the door to great opportunities.
By diving into the workings of e-commerce interfacesthis book helps to understand how e-commerce giants are using AI throughout their customers’ buying journey, how their challengers can leverage AI to boost their sales and get back in the game, and what the digital future holds, whether we’re selling or buying.
#Boosting #online #sales #artificial #intelligence #Cédric #Sibaud #Céline #Patissier