Boosting HPV Vaccination Rates: The Challenge of Convincing Families

2023-10-04 15:40:21

” It hurts ? », asks Rosalie, a student at Viala college in Avignon, who came to be vaccinated against the papillomavirus (HPV) this Wednesday, October 4 in the morning. Registered by her mother, she fears the injection a little but above all is surprised to see that few of her classmates do like her.

Convincing families to vaccinate their children is the challenge of the vaccination campaign targeted at 5th grade students, i.e. young people aged 11 to 14, launched this Monday, October 2. Because this virus is responsible for 6,000 cases of cancer per year in France, recall Loïc Souriau, director of the ARS (Regional Health Agency) Vaucluse, and Dr…

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