Boost Your Smartphone Signal at Home with This Simple Hack!

2024-09-02 14:30:05

Do your correspondents complain that they can’t hear you well when you call them? A simple trick can improve your mobile phone connection. The change will be immediate and will sometimes be noticed by your correspondents…

The manipulation that we are going to present to you is simple, but can significantly change the quality of your calls. It works on recent smartphones.

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The main reasons for a weak connection

If it often happens that your correspondents complain that they cannot hear you well when you are talking to them from your smartphone, there may be several reasons:

Your home is located very far from an antenna

Oddly enough, this situation has increased with 5G, because the higher the frequency, the shorter the propagation distance. However, 5G is based on frequencies around 24 to 30 GHz and therefore much higher than for 4G (2.6 GHz) and 3G (2.1 GHz). Of course, 5G has enormous advantages on certain points such as vitessevitesse downloading a video.

Physical obstacles block reception

Some materials used in the constructionconstruction of buildings, including the concreteconcrete or glass, can block or attenuate radio waves.

Reliefs and vegetation

If you live in the mountains or at the bottom of a valley, the surrounding terrain may obstruct the propagation of waves. Sometimes also, certain elements of a forest can absorb the electromagnetic waveselectromagnetic waves.

Weather conditions

A snowfall or precipitationprecipitation high can interfere with good receptionreception you signal.

Network overload

Sometimes the network is also saturated: too many users are making calls at the same time, and therefore the capacity of the local antenna is affected.

With VoWi-Fi

Most recent smartphones support a standard called VoWifi (Voice over Wi-Fi : Voice over Wi-Fi). It works very simply: if you are in a location with Wi-Fi (and you are able to connect to it), the device automatically switches to this wireless transmission service. The result is a much higher quality audio. What’s more, if you are abroad, yourroamingroaming will be reduced.

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The incredible thing is that the corresponding setting is simple.


In Settings, choose Cellular Data, then turn on Wi-Fi Calling.


Open Settings, go to Connections, Mobile networks (or SIM cards and mobile networks) and then activate the Wi-Fi calling option.

There you have it. It’s that simple. And yet, this simple change can completely transform the quality of your calls. Ask your callers what they think.

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#trick #improve #signal #smartphone #home
Improve Your Mobile Phone Connection: A Simple Trick for Better Calls

Are your correspondents complaining that they can’t hear you well when ⁣you⁢ call‌ them? Do you struggle with poor ⁢mobile ⁤phone connections, ‍leading to frustrating conversations and misunderstandings? Look ‌no further! In ⁢this‍ article, we’ll reveal a simple trick to improve your ⁤mobile⁤ phone connection, ensuring crystal-clear calls and reducing dropped calls.

The Main Reasons for a Weak ​Connection

Before we dive into the solution, ‍let’s explore the common reasons behind poor mobile phone connections:

  1. Your home ​is located far from an antenna: With 5G, ⁣the propagation distance of ‌signals decreases, making it more challenging to maintain a ​strong ⁣connection.
  2. Physical obstacles block ⁣reception:⁢ Materials like concrete, glass, and other building materials can obstruct radio waves.
  3. Reliefs and vegetation:​ Mountainous terrain, valleys, and dense forests can disrupt ⁢signal ​propagation.
  4. Weather conditions: Heavy snowfall, ⁣precipitation, or extreme weather can interfere with signal reception.
  5. Network overload: When too many users make calls simultaneously, the local antenna’s capacity is affected, ⁢leading to poor connections.

The Solution: VoWi-Fi (Voice over Wi-Fi)

The ⁤good news is that most recent smartphones support a⁤ standard called VoWi-Fi (Voice over Wi-Fi). This technology allows your device to automatically switch to a wireless ⁢transmission service if you’re in a location with Wi-Fi. The ‍result? ‍A ⁢significant‍ improvement in audio quality.‌ Plus, if you’re abroad, your roaming charges will ‍be reduced.

Enabling VoWi-Fi⁤ on ‍Your⁤ Device

The incredible⁤ thing is that the corresponding setting is ⁢simple:

For ‌iPhone users:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Choose Cellular Data
  3. Turn on Wi-Fi Calling

Tips and Variations

Make sure you’re connected⁤ to ⁣a stable Wi-Fi network for optimal results.

If⁤ you’re using​ a different device or operating system, consult‌ your user‌ manual or manufacturer’s website for specific instructions.

Some mobile carriers may not support VoWi-Fi, so check with your provider to ensure compatibility.

By enabling VoWi-Fi on your device, you’ll⁣ experience improved call quality, reduced dropped calls, and a more reliable mobile phone connection. Try it out today and⁤ enjoy crystal-clear​ conversations with your loved ones and colleagues!

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