Boost Your Rice’s Cancer Prevention Effect: Adding These Foods When Cooking

2023-12-28 22:30:00


If you add ‘this’ when cooking rice… Increased cancer prevention effect

Reporter Lee Hae-na | Intern reporter Lee Ara

If you use green tea water instead of bottled water when cooking rice, you can increase the polyphenol content, an antioxidant./Photo = Clip Art Korea

Although rice is eaten every day, its health effects can vary depending on how it is prepared. Let’s look at four foods that help prevent cancer when added when cooking rice.

◇Green tea

If you use green tea water instead of bottled water when cooking rice, it becomes rich in antioxidants. According to a paper published in the Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition, when 200g of white rice was cooked with green tea water (3g of green tea powder dissolved in the water used for rice cooking), the polyphenol content, an antioxidant, was 40 times higher. lost. Polyphenols have excellent anti-cancer effects by reducing free radicals in the body and preventing damage to DNA and proteins caused by free radicals.


Adding soju to brown rice can also increase the polyphenol content. A research team from the National Institute of Crop Science under the Rural Development Administration added 30% brown rice to 100g of white rice and then cooked rice by adding 120mL of bottled water or 100mL of bottled water and 2 glasses of soju. As a result, rice cooked with two glasses of soju had a 17% higher polyphenol content than rice cooked with just water. This is because alcohol helps to release more of the polyphenol content in brown rice. All alcohol evaporates during the boiling process, so it does not affect the taste of the rice.


When cooking rice, it is good to add a handful of beans (30g) or the water in which the beans were soaked. The isoflavone content in soybeans prevents the growth of cancer cells and inhibits cancer metastasis. In addition, saponin, a white foam component that forms when soybeans are soaked, is effective in preventing cancer by acting as an antioxidant and preventing cell membrane rupture. A research team at Tufts University in the U.S. followed 6,000 breast cancer patients for 9 years and found that women who consumed a lot of beans had a 21% lower risk of death than women who did not consume soybeans.


Saponin in burdock is also effective in preventing cancer by expelling carcinogens from the body out of the body. There is a study by the National Cancer Center in Japan that found that burdock suppressed the growth of pancreatic cancer by lowering the number of cancer cells. Additionally, the zinc in burdock also helps with antioxidant properties, eliminating free radicals and controlling oxidative stress in the body. Burdock is rich in dietary fiber and has a long digestion period, so it is best to slice it as thinly as possible and add it to rice.

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