Boost Your Metabolism with These Foods – Tips and Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle

Boost Your Metabolism with These Foods – Tips and Recipes for a Healthy Lifestyle

2024-03-01 22:02:49

Whether it’s losing weight, improving fitness or general health – our metabolism plays a central role. If it is intact, it keeps the immune system and digestion active and gives us energy. Your metabolism can be stimulated with certain foods. You can find out what these are here.

In the video: Charlotte Karlinder explains how the right diet can optimize your metabolism

What is metabolism and which foods are good for it?

The metabolism, too Metabolism called, is a complex biochemical process in which the body absorbs nutrients from the food consumed converted into energy. It uses this energy to maintain vital functions such as breathing, heart function or regulating body temperature.

General means a fast metabolism, that the body burns calories more efficiently slow metabolism on the other hand, consumes less energy. The metabolism is through various factors influenced – including genetic predisposition, muscle mass, age, gender and activity level.

But there are also some Grocerieswhich can contribute positively to an active metabolism:

Water and tea

It may sound simple, but enough water Drinking is crucial for an efficient metabolism. Fluid promotes digestion and energy consumption. Studies show that half a liter of water reverses the resting metabolism ten to 30 percent accelerated per hour. In order to optimally support the body, it is advisable to take it daily at least two liters of water to drink.

Unsweetened tea can also boost your metabolism – especially green tea. He is rich in Antioxidants and can stimulate fat burning. In addition, due to the caffeine it contains, it is a similar stimulant to coffee. Ginger or lemon tea also works wonders when it comes to a good metabolism.

Beans and legumes

When digesting protein-rich foods, our body uses a lot of energy and therefore calories. Beans and legumes such as peas, lentils or chickpeas are among the plant foods richest in protein. They also contain many fiber. Legumes provide lasting satiety and stimulate the metabolism.

Hot spices

Chili peppers are the superstar among metabolism-stimulating foods. They contain the arouser Capsaicin, which briefly increases body temperature and simultaneously increases calorie consumption. Also other pods, such as Jalapenos, have this effect. The same applies to hot spices like Cayenne-Pfefferturmeric or cinnamon.


Eating ginger will… salivation and the production of gastric juices stimulated. This helps to stimulate digestion, with the spicy ingredients in the ginger bulb playing a crucial role. Those contained in ginger Gingerole and Shogaole activate the metabolism.

Similar to chili, it really heats up the body. This process is scientifically known as the thermal effect. In other words, ginger increases the thermic effect of food. The thermal effect refers to the amount of energy required by the body to digest food.

How to prepare a ginger drink that boosts fat burning:

By the way: Different foods have different thermal effects. In general the Digestion of proteins a higher thermic effect than digesting carbohydrates or fats. This means that the body requires more energy to digest and metabolize proteins than other nutrients. The thermal effect also varies depending on the composition of the food. For example, digestion requires foods rich in fiber often more energy than digesting foods low in fiber.

Green vegetables

Many vegetables are very high in fiber and should not be missing from a healthy and balanced diet. If you add broccoli, chicory, fennel, Brussels sprouts, celery, kale and spinach to your daily diet, you will naturally stimulate your metabolism. Broccoli is rich in calcium and vitamin C. Chicory With its bitter substances, it supports the production of bile, which promotes digestion. fennel and Brussels sprouts contain a lot of vitamin A. Saddlery is rich in vitamin C, potassium and calcium. Kale and Spinach score points with their high iron and vitamin C content.

The best green power recipes


Coffee also stimulates the metabolism and promotes fat digestion – this is confirmed by several people Studies. But only if you drink it without sugar or cream, otherwise the calories will pile up. Another Harvard University research in 2020 found that consuming four cups of coffee per day for 24 weeks resulted in a Reduction in body fat percentage by four percent.

Read more regarding how coffee can help you lose weight here:

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges and grapefruits are rich in Vitamin C and other antioxidants that boost metabolism. Furthermore, vitamin C supports the release of norepinephrine. This is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for releasing fat from cells. Studies also show that the bitter substance Naringin in citrus fruits has a positive effect on fat burning and can also lower blood sugar levels following a meal.

More tips to boost your metabolism

Make sure you get enough sleep: Do you sleep on average? less than seven hours per night? Then this can be done according to an article in the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society can lead to serious problems such as weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, depression and an increased risk of death. Sleep is important for them Recovery of all processes in our body. Investigations have shown that little and poor sleep has an unfavorable effect on metabolism.

Here are tips for a restful sleep:

Train correctly: HIIT training is considered one of the most effective ways to lose weight while boosting your metabolism. An Australian one Investigation found that overweight people were able to reduce their belly fat by 17 percent and lose an average of two kilograms of weight following 12 weeks of HIIT.

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