Boost Your Immune System Through Nutrition: Foods to Eat and Avoid for Stronger Immunity

2023-06-13 06:00:00

Books – Hossam Al Shaqoury

Tuesday, June 13, 2023 09:00 AM

A strong immune system is crucial to staying healthy. A sound sleep andExercise Good nutrition is essential for the immune system. Deficits in the sleep cycle, adaptation to a sedentary lifestyle, and eating unhealthy foods will weaken the immune system. In times of testing such as an epidemic, it is essential to strengthen the immune system by staying away from the worst immunosuppressive foods. And when the immune system is strong, it restricts the body from being easily exposed to disease and fights viruses like a strong warrior during illness. helpguide

The relationship between food and immunity

People may not be very aware, but picky foods with low nutritional value can hamper their immune system. Calorie-rich foods made up of sugar, saturated fats and excess salt have a role in lowering the immune system’s capabilities. Thus, it is necessary to keep a safe distance from the worst immunosuppressive foods to lead a healthy life.

Our immune systems are linked to our protein intake. Eating insufficient amounts of protein or foods that contain incomplete proteins weakens the immune system, and thus the chances of infection and inflammation in the body increase dramatically. According to studies, the diet that people consume greatly affects their immune system. Nutrition can affect the microbiome, intestinal barrier functions, inflammatory processes, and the functioning of white blood cells.

Dietary patterns and sedentary lifestyles are responsible for the increased risk of diseases, allergies, and a weakened immune response. Certain diets contain foods with excess (saturated) fats, ultra-processed foods, and unhealthy calories. Thus, eating healthy meals that contain fruits, vegetables, legumes, seafood, etc., is crucial to promoting healthy immune function.

Foods to avoid to boost immunity

1. A la carte drinks

All types of beverages such as soda, sweetened tea, energy drinks, juices, and especially alcoholic beverages are some of the worst foods for the immune system. It has a very negative effect on our bodies, and avoiding it is in the interest of our health. These drinks boost production of the stress hormone cortisol and raise blood sugar levels while interfering with the action of insulin, all of which can lead to a weakened immune system.

2. Sugars

White sugar or refined sugar is very harmful to our immune system. All the delicious desserts, chocolates, cakes, breads, cakes, cookies and other sweets are full of white sugar. Try to eliminate this white sugar from your diet and look for healthy alternatives like jaggery, honey, coconut sugar, maple syrup, etc. These food items have equal calories but are undoubtedly healthier than white sugar. High blood sugar levels following eating candy or chocolate can cause immune pathways to flare up.

3. Fried foods

According to studies, fried foods are among the worst foods for the immune system. They are full of fat, and they increase bad cholesterol. They also have the ability to trigger inflammation which is an automatic attack on the immune system. Eliminating this immune-worsening nutrient can help restore the body’s natural defense mechanism. In addition, fried foods accumulate a lot of acrylamide, which is a dangerous carcinogen. Carcinogen increases the risk of cancer.

#immunity #boosting. #avoid #foods



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