Boost Your Immune System Naturally: Tips for a Healthy Gut and Strong Defense

2023-11-28 05:15:00

1) Pamper your intestines

The intestinal microbiota – or intestinal flora – is often referred to as the “second brain”. It is also on the front line to preserve and stimulate our immune system.

A course of pro and prebiotics will help you maintain a balanced microbiota. Indeed, probiotics, which we might describe as “friendly bacteria”, help to strengthen the work of the intestinal ecosystem, which concentrates 60% of our immune defense cells.

As for prebiotics, they provide the energy necessary for probiotics to optimize their action. You will find it in dairy products, fermented products (like kefir, etc.) but also in the form of food supplements.

2) Stock up on iron

The latter is indeed of capital importance in the mechanisms of immunity. You will find it in black pudding, red meats, eggs, lentils, etc. Note, however, that iron of animal origin is more assimilable by the body than that of plant origin (15% compared to 5%).

3) Vitamin C and zinc

As the European Institute of Dietetics and Micronutrition (IEDM) points out, “vitamin C and zinc stimulate phagocytes and lymphocytes, cells involved in the elimination of germs”.

Blackcurrant, kiwi and papaya are the three fruits most rich in vitamin C. In the vegetable section, prefer peppers, black radish and the whole cabbage family. Finally, you will find zinc in wheat germ, oysters and beef.

4) Take a royal jelly cure

It is a little rarer and more expensive than honey or pollen but it is also more concentrated in revitalizing substances. Taken before breakfast for four to six weeks before winter, it increases the body’s natural defenses, helps fight fatigue and stress… To reduce its slightly acidic taste, mix it with a little honey.

5) Keep getting some fresh air

Sunlight perceived by the retina acts directly on the hypothalamus, the part of the brain which governs hormonal secretions and controls appetite, libido, sleep, mood, energy… This is why many feel a drop in shape and morale when the days get shorter and the bad weather returns.

To counter this phenomenon, increase the opportunities to be outdoors. By exposing yourself to the sun, you will also full of vitamin D which also plays a vital role in the immune response. And if the star is absent, do not hesitate to discuss possible supplementation with your pharmacist.

6) Keep Moving

Fatigue and stress weaken the immune system. If you don’t have enough time to indulge in your favorite sport, at least try to walk every day. There’s nothing like a little exercise in the fresh air to recharge your batteries with vitality and serenity.

7) Don’t forget barrier gestures

All the previous advice, which we would readily describe as “grandmother’s remedies”, obviously has only limited effectiveness in keeping viruses at bay. Barrier gestures remain essential. And among them, hand washing takes pride of place.

Remember that soap has a hydrophilic part (which has an affinity with water) and a hydrophobic part (which repels water and prefers fatty substances). When washing, the hydrophobic part attaches to the membrane of the virus (which is a fatty substance), and destroys its envelope. Then the hydrophilic part is attracted by the water molecules, which allows everything to be evacuated when rinsing.

8) Think “vaccination”

Last advice, and not the least, when le Covid-19 is being talked regarding once more and where the flu is regarding to enter the scene: the importance of vaccination, essential to protect people at risk of serious illness.

#Health #Eat #move #well.. #tips #spending #winter #good #health



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