Boost Your Health with High Polyphenol Apple Juice: New Study Reveals Four Times the Benefits!

2024-03-12 00:00:00

A new study which has just been published in the scientific journal Food Research International reveals that this new method might therefore increase the polyphenol content by around four times more than in ordinary apple juice.

Remember that polyphenols are natural plant compounds found in fruits, red wine and cocoa and which are known for their beneficial effects on the heart and brain. Thus, a 150 ml serving of this new apple juice might provide more than half of the ideal intake thanks to a key group of polyphenols called “flavan-3-ols” and which contribute to good health. blood circulation.

Professor Ralf Schweiggert, lead author of this study, states: “ Apple juice is already a source of polyphenolic compounds, but you would need to drink several glasses to reach the levels recommended by scientists to see the effects on heart health ».

And this specialist continues: “ the new pressing method that we studied takes the polyphenol content to a higher level by minimizing the nutrient losses that are generally observed during pressing. »

For his part, Stefan Dussling, researcher of the study, adds: “ nutrient losses are usually due to the presence of oxygen which quickly degrades some of the nutrients in apple juice, such as flavan-3-ols or vitamin C ».

And to specify: “ This is what happens when you make apple juice at home or buy a ready-to-eat product. We hope the new juicing method will be used more widely in the future to help people get more of these beneficial natural compounds just from drinking a glass of juice ».

A 2016 study from the University of Michigan (USA) published in the scientific journal JAMA Internal Medicine was certainly not able to conclude that eating apples kept the doctor at bay, however, it seems that it keeps the doctor away. and indeed from the pharmacist’s office. It’s already that !

Other studies also show that regular consumption of apples and pears, and more generally of fruits and vegetables, including citrus fruits and leafy vegetables, significantly reduces the risk of stroke. .

Another scientific publication shows that high consumption of fruits and vegetables significantly reduces mortality from all causes.

Finally, the apple is “THE” flagship fruit in diets: it allows you to control your weight thanks to its low caloric content and its richness in fiber and water, but not only… Its polyphenols, in number, also have “anti-obesity effects”. In short, to be healthy, eat fruits and vegetables regularly!

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