Boost Your Health with a Plant-Based Diet: Discover the Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

2023-06-15 02:40:38

Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for the body to remain strong and in good health. The recommendations of specialists in the field is to include foods of plant origin in the daily consumption, such as fruits and vegetables. These can be easily obtained at any supermarket or neighborhood store.

Fruits and vegetables are very healthy because they accumulate a large amount of vitamins and minerals; These substances help each body system to function properly. In addition, they are also ideal for preventing and combating certain types of disorders.

Fruits and vegetables are important for health because they provide vitamins, minerals and fiber. Instilling the habit of taking them is essential to cover nutritional requirements”, adds the digital platform.

Fruits and vegetables can be consumed in different ways. The vast majority can be eaten in their own state, that is, raw; however, in the case of vegetables, some must be cooked. Usually, both food groups are combined in salads. It is advisable to eat them in the morning, for breakfast; at noon, for lunch and at night, for dinner.

If a diet lacks the consumption of these foods of vegetable origin, the organism will not receive the adequate nutrients for its proper functioning. Therefore, both fruits and vegetables should stand out in the daily intake.

When these foods are eaten regularly, some of the organs that benefit the most are the colon and stomach. Therefore, the gate Come Fruta recommends the following fruits and vegetables to improve the health of the large intestine and stomach:

1 apple. “This delicious fruit has high levels of soluble fiber and is rich in pectin and other natural enzymes that help prevent many stomach upsets. We especially recommend that you eat red apples without the skin, broken into small pieces to avoid indigestion ”, he affirms.

2. Banana. This food so well known worldwide protects the mucosa of the colon or large intestine. Besides; improves digestion, fights gastritis, relieves stomach pain and prevents gastric ulcers.

4. Avocado. It is a food very rich in potassium and fiber, so it is ideal for improving intestinal transit and fighting stomach diseases.

5. Piña. “The fact that it has glutamine makes this fruit protect us against gastric and duodenal ulcers; and the one who possesses bromelain, It helps us digest food better. It is also useful to combat intestinal parasites.

6. Celery. It is one of the best vegetables to protect an organ like the colon. Contains enzymes that stimulate proper digestion; for this reason, it is essential to prevent and combat constipation.

#fruits #vegetables #stomach

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