[BOOK소리] Time to create the best condition Medical prescription

Creatures are prone to disease when the system for recognizing time is disrupted.. Today clock geneField investigations are being conducted to study the incidence of diabetes and cancer by tracking people with mutations and healthy people.. The results of the study in humans were no different from the results of the experiment in mice..

Even if there is no mutation in the clock gene, if the rhythm is disturbed for a long time due to irregular life, the incidence of diabetes or cancer increases.. Therefore, women whose working hours are irregular, such as night shifts, have a lower risk of breast cancer than the general population. 2ship, Men have a lower risk of prostate cancer 3twice as high. If the rhythm of life is disturbed due to irregular work, the biological clock does not work properly, and these results appear..

You may have experience that it is difficult to control your physical condition due to the change of day and night.. When you fall asleep in the morning following watching a movie or book until late at night, After a long flight on an overseas trip, I have suffered from night and day changes.. Why does our body have a hard time changing day and night?? Because my body’s rhythm is broken. 24When the rhythm of the body, which used to flow regularly, is broken, not only sleep disorders but also obesitydiabetesgastrointestinal disordermyocardial infarctionHigh blood pressureIt causes various diseases such as depression.

Modern people are flooded with light and external stimuli., I am suffering from various lifestyle-related diseases due to the rhythm in my body being disorganized due to stress.. Lifestyle habits, such as exercise and diet, can cause diseases. If you lose your motivation and become easily fatigued due to weak concentration even though there is no particular reason, it is evidence that your body is experiencing social jet lag due to a deviation in your biorhythm..

Our body has a biological clock that adjusts our body and mind to be optimal and allows us to adapt to unexpected changes.. As such, the human body has an adjustment function that can maintain a certain state according to the surrounding environment.. However, It’s not working properly for some reason now. To maintain the best condition, I must overcome the jet lag of my body and correct the misaligned biological clock..

sleep and body temperatureBlood pressure, hormone production, heart rate, Human body functions such as cognitive abilities 24It is controlled by the biological clock with the rhythm of the time period.. In this book, the author, the highest authority on chronomedical research in Japan, says that various diseases that occur in humans are closely related not only to lifestyle and genetic factors, but also to the biological clock..

time medicineThe cycle of change in nature and the human body is identified and used for disease treatment or pain prevention.. Inside our biological clock time genecontains, in short 6from time 24hour3.5Work, one week, one month1year10It has various cycles such as. It is used to prevent disease and apply it to treatment..

It is not easy to have a regular life rhythm every day in a busy life. If I have no choice but to continue my irregular life, I have to somehow find a way to get my biorhythm back.. You can maintain health and prevent disease by regulating the biological rhythms in which the clock genes inside the body mark the regular time..

If we change our bad lifestyle habits, the biological clock can restore the rhythm in the body and correct the condition.. You can have a healthy day and increase work efficiency to achieve results. Humans have adapted and evolved to the environment.. I have been using my internal clock to stay healthy..

A life exposed to light even at night disrupts the biological clock, making sleep irregular, just as our body suffers from jet lag.. The important thing to correct this is the glial cells in the brain that help you sleep by turning back your biological clock.. Glia cells recharge our brain while we sleep, increasing its efficiency..

Genes important for correcting a misaligned biological clock junk DNA’all. contains important human information. 2%other than the genes of 98%of DNAhad no genetic information and was considered useless.. However, Junk if you live a regular life DNAChronomedical research has revealed that it stabilizes the rhythm in the body.. Even if you inherit bad clock genes, you can make a healthy body by correcting your lifestyle and adjusting your biological clock.

In this book, in order to correct the disturbed biorhythm, 1/f How to be conscious of fluctuating rhythms, Mindfulness to observe the object as it is, Going back and forth between the past and the future in my mind mind time travelIntroduce biological time management methods such as. In addition, the three most important lifestyle habits that adjust clock genes are sleep and exercise.It also teaches you how to use your biological clock to stay in top shape with your diet..

In order to be successful at work, skills, Luck is also important. However, Condition management comes first. In order to enhance the ability of our brain and increase work efficiency, we inherited from our parents 2%rather than relying on the strength of the genes of, How to spend a day. If you regret following being sick, it’s too late. You can create the best condition by checking the body’s abnormal signals sent by the biological clock and correcting the biological clock that has been disturbed by regular life..

Author Otsuka Kuniaki(Kuniaki Otsuka)

Tokyo Women’s Medical University Emeritus Professor. Distinguished Research Fellow, University of Minnesota Holberg Center for Chronology Research, and Director, Totsuka Royal Clinic, Tokyo Women’s Medical University. After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine at Kyushu University, she went to Kochi Medical University and served as a professor of general internal medicine at Tokyo Women’s Medical University and director of a medical center.. circulatory internal medicine, Comprehensive internal medicine for the elderly, sleep medicine, Specialized in chronology. Japanese Society of ChronobiologyAutonomic Neurology SocietyPresident of the Society of Cardiovascular Medicine, He served as president of the World Chronobiology Society.. He is the foremost authority on time medicine in Japan.. with a book science in time》 《Time for healthy aging gerontologythere is a back.



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