Booba’s Twitter account suspended

The account of rapper Booba was temporarily suspended this Saturday by Twitter, for non-compliance with the rules in force on the platform. Followed by 5 million Internet users on the social network, the idol of many French people regularly opposes the vaccine pass even if it means disseminating false information or mobilizing unscrupulous arguments on the safety of vaccines. But that’s not the reason he was deprived of tweets.

“The hour is serious my friends !!! Following my post on twitter yesterday showing our heads of state in the act of lying regarding the antidote, my account has been blocked! “, Said the rapper, through another account, on Instagram, not without a touch of irony, affirming that a” AZERTY man is worth two “.

“Me, I’m telling you we’re wrong!” “

According to a screenshot published by the artist, Twitter would have judged his profile photo – Darth Vader – too violent for the standards of the platform. According to a Twitter spokesperson, the account was temporarily suspended for violating “sensitive media policy” (violent images, bloody scenes or hate speech).

“Me, I’m telling you we’re wrong!” », Concludes Booba, faced with this justification which seems irrelevant. But the artist evokes it himself: for some time he has been multiplying the excesses regarding the government’s vaccine strategy and vaccine safety, while social networks are getting more and more involved in limiting false information. on the Covid-19.

One of his latest feats of arms: the publication of a tweet on January 5th stating that “if the vaccine is ‘under study’, it means that the labs have no hindsight and that we are laboratory animals” and to conclude: “quite simply! “. A thesis regularly refuted by auditors, journalists, scientists, authorities and the government. Much data on vaccines is collected following marketing authorization, like any drug.

Not a first for the rapper

This is not the first time that the artist has been suspended from social networks for his comments. In 2020, he was banned from Twitter for 12 hours. His Instagram account was permanently closed the same year. The artist, a French rap pioneer with a prolific career, titled his latest piece “Variant”. Since then he has multiplied vindictive messages on the health situation.

“If I understand correctly, the more we vaccinate, the more security measures we take, and the more we beat contamination records,” he had published in his last tweet on Friday. Since then, none of his publications were accessible.



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