“Bonus Season Is Over” –

“Italy is growing more than other European nations, despite the slowdown of the world economy and the delicate international situation. The macroeconomic data – from GDP to employment, from exports to investments – are positive and represent a sign of great confidence. Just in these days the Istat data of the lowest unemployment rate since 2008 has arrived: 6.5%. The serious choices we have made, together with the centrality and authority demonstrated at an international level, are contributing to the good performance of our economy”. This is what the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, wrote in a post on social media.

What Italians Want from the Government. The Meloni Plan

“Now it is essential to strengthen and consolidate the economic framework with the choices we will make in the next economic maneuver, inspired by common sense and seriousness – he continues – The season of money thrown out the window and bonuses is over and will not return as long as we are in government. All available resources must continue to be concentrated in supporting companies that hire and create jobs and to strengthen the purchasing power of families and workers”, he concludes.

#Bonus #Season #Tempo
2024-09-02 18:07:08



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