Bonus 700 soles with LINK 2022? This is the official pronouncement of the Midis – El Tiempo

Is there a new Bonus 700 soles with LINK for 2022? The Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Between) posted an official statement on his Twitter account. Know all the details in the following note.

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Since 2020, the different governments have been delivering a series of economic aid to overcome the economic crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The bonuses have been for the beneficiaries of the users of social programs, independent workers, vulnerable population, formal workers, among others.

However, some Facebook pages took the opportunity to create consultation links with ID false that have been opportunely denied by the Midis in their social networks.

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Is there a Bonus 700 soles with LINK 2022?

Bonus 700 pronouncement

“Any announcement about the allocation of economic support granted by the Government is made through official channels,” was part of the Midis statement on its Twitter account.

“Do not enter pages with links of dubious origin or put your personal information at risk ”, continued the statement where an image was attached to deny the information of the Bono 200 soles link 2022.

With this, it is clear that there is no new bonus of 700 soles with an ID consultation link in 2022because the Midis stated that you should not fall for false messages.

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what did i sayand the false Bonus 700 soles with LINK 2022?

There is a group on Facebook Facebook which has been denied by the Midis, this is called “Reniec register here to get your bonus 760”. The Facebook post indicates a false bonus of 700 soles July 2022.

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For the second half of 2022, the Executive announced a new food bonus, but also a subsidy of S / 1000 for conversion of the vehicle to CNG; and a bonus of S/ 500 for rent to those who suffered from natural disasters.


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