Bonus #188: Myths about electric cars

2018-11-18 09:00:00

Following various articles published in the press (here or there) (often documented by the book “The war of rare metals: The hidden face of the energy and digital transition” by Guillaume Pitron published by “Les liens qui libération”), Sébastien A. and Bruno P. wanted to debunk some myths surrounding the electric car which would be as polluting (or even more) than the good old combustion engine. A subject broad enough to give rise to a (big) “bonus” here. Good listening ! questions addressed and sources to support the debate and form your own opinion: Would an electric vehicle emit more CO2 than a conventional vehicle? While this may be true during production, the equation reverses very quickly as soon as the vehicle is driven. (source) Would the energy consumed by electric vehicles be as significant a source of pollution as for conventional vehicles? However, the efficiency of an electric motor is 95% (compared to 20% for the thermal engine). (source)Rare earths are a huge ecological and ethical problem! Yes, but the research is progressing. For example Tesla plans to completely get rid of Cobalt in the next 3 to 5 years. (source) In addition, you will have to change the batteries after a few years! Except that the Li-ion batteries used in Teslas, for example, can last more than 20 years! (source)There is not enough electricity to charge all the cars at the same time! Most electricity networks can already support the charging of a large number of electric cars. And then, if there is money to be made, energy distributors will increase the capacity of their networks. (source) Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are cleaner! Yes, but Hydrogen production is actually not that clean and not that efficient. (source)In audio hereWith:Sébastien Arbogast (Columnist) passionate and independent, entrepreneur at heart and visionary apprentice, I am always on the lookout for these technologies that will shake up the world and our societies. Consultant for more than 12 years, I recently set out to conquer the blockchain, I give conferences and training on the subject (particularly online on Udemy). Besides that, I’m curious about lots of things: the conquest of space, motorbikes, electronic music, ambidextrous albino seahorses… lots of things.Bruno Pinto (Columnist) IT, freelance web and mobile application developer, I discovered a passion for personal electric vehicles. In order to satisfy this curiosity I launched stores selling and renting electric means of transport.Marc Lescroart (Animator / Director) by new media, new technologies, … I have assiduously frequented Belgian radio studios for more than 30 years as a director, producer, columnist, host or even webmaster.

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#Bonus #Myths #electric #cars

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