Bombshell in the Burgh: City in Uproar After Local Councilor’s Jaw-Dropping Social Media Admission

Published on October 9, 2024, 9:22 pm / ©5 minutes

Graz City Councilor for Finance Manfred Eber is currently causing a stir with a Facebook posting.

Graz City Councilor for Finance Manfred Eber is currently causing a stir with a Facebook posting.

KPÖ city councilor Manfred Eber is currently making headlines with a post on social media. On Facebook he shared a saying from military dictator Ibrahim Traoré. This is causing criticism – there are even calls for him to resign.

from editorial team 5 minutes

2 minutes reading time (289 words)

“I call on African youth to make the world a better place and to get rid of vices such as cowardice, betrayal and incompetence, because it is precisely these weaknesses that the imperialists exploit to enslave African peoples in the interests of the wealth of their countries” – with this A quote from military dictator and Putin friend Ibrahim Traoré is currently causing a stir. A few days ago, Eber shared a post with this statement on his Facebook account.

Although the lines seem harmless at first glance, there is a controversial personality behind the author, Ibrahim Traoré. Traoré is not only responsible for the coup in Burkina Faso, but is also criticized for serious human rights violations and massacres of civilians. Under his leadership, for example, freedom of the press was restricted and a partnership agreement was signed with Putin. Eber stands by the sentence in the posting, according to his office, as the Kleine Zeitung reports. However, the Graz city council would distance itself from any attacks on press freedom.

Resignation demanded

NEOS councilor Philipp Pointner is not quite as calm about the incident. “As city councilor for finance, Eber bears an immense responsibility, especially at a time when Graz is facing serious financial challenges. Instead of focusing on solving these problems, he gets lost in spreading messages that glorify war criminals. “This means that Eber has lost all democratic legitimacy for his office,” he criticizes and calls for the immediate resignation of KPÖ city councilor Manfred Eber. Eber’s Facebook post is a slap in the face to the war dead in Burkina Faso. “Anyone who shares war criminals and murderers has lost all democratic legitimacy,” says Pointner.

Analysis: Manfred Eber’s Controversial Facebook Post and the World of Politics Beyond Graz.

As I sat down to analyze the recent news surrounding Graz City Councilor for Finance Manfred Eber, I couldn’t help but notice the parallels between his story and another high-profile figure sharing his name. Amidst the controversy surrounding Eber’s Facebook post, where he shared a saying from military dictator Ibrahim Traoré [[3]], I stumbled upon a seemingly unrelated article discussing the potential expansion of Major League Baseball to Utah, with a mention of Manfred – this time, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred.

Firstly, focusing on the more pressing issue at hand, it’s astonishing to see an elected official such as Manfred Eber share a quote from a military dictator, causing widespread criticism and calls for his resignation [[1]]. In an era where even the slightest misstep can spark outrage on social media, it’s crucial for public figures to exercise caution when sharing their personal thoughts and opinions. Eber’s actions raise questions about his judgment and potential biases.

On a larger scale, this controversy brings to the forefront the delicate balance between free speech and the responsibilities that come with holding public office. While public officials are entitled to their personal opinions, they must also be mindful of how their words might be perceived by the public and the potential consequences that may follow.

In a seemingly unrelated turn of events, Commissioner Rob Manfred made headlines when he declined to comment on the feasibility of a potential Major League Baseball team in Utah [[2]]. Although this news item doesn’t directly involve Manfred Eber, it serves as a reminder of the vast and varied world of politics, both within and outside the realm of sports.

Ultimately, the controversy surrounding Manfred Eber’s Facebook post serves as a poignant reminder of the intricate relationship between social media, public perception, and the weight of responsibility shouldered by those in power.


[[2]] on MLB expansion in Utah, featuring Commissioner Rob Manfred.

[[1]] on calls for Manfred Eber’s resignation.

[[3]] on Manfred Eber’s Facebook post featuring a quote from military dictator Ibrahim Traoré.



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