Bombshell Allegations from Bushra Bibi’s Ex-Husband Aim at Imran Khan

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan‘s wife Bushra Bibi‘s ex-husband Khawar Farid Manika has made alarming revelations. I got married in 1989, we had a big happy home, we were living a happy life.

Khawar Manika while talking in a private TV program said that Pinky’s sister Maryam introduced Imran Khan to Pinky in the guise of Peri Muridi. In the late hours of the night, there were long walks.

He said that Farah Gogi gave him the phone on the request of Chairman PTI, after that he changed the phone, and started talking secretly. He used to say to the servant, why is the phone not being picked up? They used to come and sit for hours without my permission. I scolded Pinky and told me that she has to come. Pinky used to get a little angry with me. Chairman PTI and Zulfi Bukhari used to come and sit for hours. .

He said that I used to say that when I was present, PTI chairman came home, Pinky used to go to Bani Gala and spend hours there. Pinky had changed a lot. I want, Bushra Bibi picked up her belongings and left, the children were also stubborn, my mother used to say that she is not coming, mother and sister said we will bring them, I said she will come, I went once and said Do not walk home? They started saying not now.

Khawar Manika further said that Imran Khan used to come to my house without my consent. During the sit-ins, Bushra’s sister Maryam Vitto made Bushra meet Imran Khan, our marriage lasted for 28 years, we had a very happy life, but Imran ruined our home under the guise of Peri Muridi.

He said that Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi started meeting in Islamabad, my mother used to say that Imran Khan is not a good person, don’t let him come in the house, they started talking on the phone at night. , Farah Gogi, on the request of Imran, provided them with secret phone numbers, and started secretly talking on their mobile phones.

Khawar Manika said that I had my own house in Bani Gala, Bushra used to go to Imran Khan’s house without telling me.

He further said that 6 months before the marriage, Bushra Bibi separated from me and went to her house, I went to her house in Pakpattan and asked her to come with me, Bushra Bibi replied, Mian Sahib not now, then One day Farah Gogi sent me a message on my mobile to divorce Pinky.

He said that I went to Bushra and asked her, “Do you want a divorce?” He bowed his head and did not answer, I sent the divorce certificate to Bushra Bibi in the hands of Farah Gogi on November 14, 2017, later Farah Gogi called and asked to change the date of divorce, Zulfi and Farah’s phones. Let’s say that Imran wants to become the prime minister, you should keep quiet.

The ex-husband said that I divorced Pinky on November 14, 2017, after one and a half months she married Imran Khan, I and my children were not aware of this marriage.

#Dangerous #revelations #Bushra #Bibis #exhusband #Imran #Khan
2024-09-07 17:48:15

Here‌ are ⁢some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title **”Alarming ​Revelations: Khawar Farid Manika Exposes Imran Khan’s Illicit Relationship with ‍Bushra Bibi”**:

Alarming ⁤Revelations: Khawar Farid Manika Exposes Imran Khan’s Illicit Relationship with Bushra Bibi

Khawar Farid Manika, the former husband of ⁣Bushra Bibi, the wife of former Prime Minister ‌Imran Khan, has made shocking revelations about the alleged illicit relationship between Imran Khan​ and Bushra Bibi. In a recent TV program, Manika shared intimate ⁣details about his marriage to Bushra Bibi and ⁣how ⁢Imran Khan ruined their ‌28-year-old happy ⁢home [[1]].

The Mysterious Encounter

According to Manika, his sister-in-law Maryam ⁣introduced Bushra Bibi to Imran Khan under the guise‍ of Peri Muridi. He recalled how Imran Khan would visit their home late at​ night, and Bushra Bibi would go to Imran Khan’s house in Bani​ Gala without his permission [[3]]. Manika claimed that Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi started secretly talking on the phone at night, facilitated by‌ Farah Gogi, a close ally of Imran ⁤Khan.

The End of‌ a Happy Marriage

Manika revealed that his ‌marriage to Bushra Bibi was ​a happy one, but Imran Khan’s interference changed everything. He said that Bushra Bibi started to⁤ change ⁢after meeting Imran Khan, and ⁣eventually, she left​ him and went to her house in Pakpattan. Manika even shared how he ‌pleaded with her to come ⁤back, but she replied, “Mian Sahib not now” [[3]].

The Role of Farah Gogi

Manika accused Farah Gogi of playing a significant role in facilitating the secret communication between Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi. He claimed that ‍Gogi provided them with secret phone numbers, allowing them to talk without his knowledge.

A Servant’s Testimony

Interestingly, a servant of Manika’s has also come forward, claiming​ that Imran Khan used to visit Manika’s house without his permission‌ [[2]]. The servant alleged that Imran Khan would sit with ‌Bushra ‍Bibi for hours, even‍ when​ Manika was present.

Courtroom Drama

In a recent‍ courtroom drama, Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi were seen arguing‌ with Manika, with​ eyewitnesses ⁤claiming that the ⁣atmosphere was tense [[3]]. The courtroom ​altercation‌ further fueled speculation about the​ nature ⁤of Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi’s relationship.


Khawar Farid Manika’s shocking⁣ revelations have raised questions about the character of Imran Khan​ and his relationship with Bushra ‌Bibi. While the ‍truth behind these allegations is yet to be fully established, one thing is clear: Manika’s testimony has stirred up a storm that is unlikely to subside‌ anytime soon.





Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **”Alarming Revelations: Khawar Farid Manika Exposes Imran Khan’s Illicit Relationship with Bushra Bibi”**:

Alarming Revelations: Khawar Farid Manika Exposes Imran Khan’s Illicit Relationship with Bushra Bibi

Khawar Farid Manika, the former husband of Bushra Bibi, the wife of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, has made shocking revelations about the alleged illicit relationship between Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi. In a recent TV program, Manika shared intimate details about his marriage to Bushra Bibi and how Imran Khan ruined their 28-year-old happy home [[1]].

The Mysterious Encounter

According to Manika, his sister-in-law Maryam introduced Bushra Bibi to Imran Khan under the guise of Peri Muridi. He recalled how Imran Khan would visit their



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