Bologna Massacre, “He Was a Neo-Fascist”. Piantedosi Ruins the Left’s Day with Polemics –

“We are here today to commemorate the 44th anniversary of the Bologna massacre. A neo-fascist massacre, the expression of a subversive plan that aimed to strike the State in its most sensitive component, that is, ordinary people. The government is there”. These are the words used by the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, speaking in the courtyard of Palazzo d’Accursio in Bologna, opening the celebrations for the massacre of 2 August 1980. “We must – added the head of the Viminale – keep together the memory of the attack, sharing the truth without reservations helps us look at each other with mutual trust. It helps to strengthen a democratic alliance, to do better, to do more to settle accounts with the past. And it is not enough. We must not forget, but we must act and we must all do it, government and citizens”.

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“We live in a time when the world seems to be facing a threat to the values ​​of freedom and democracy that are the basis of peace and civil coexistence, enshrined in our constitutional charter. The Bologna massacre reminds us that peace and security and democracy are not obvious achievements, but values ​​that must be defended and promoted daily. To do so, we must be united against all forms of hatred and intolerance and forcefully reiterate our rejection of fascism and totalitarianism,” Piantedosi said.

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Who then concluded as follows: “The gash in the wall of the waiting room of the Bologna station is a permanent scar of the terrible injuries caused by the explosion, but it is also a warning to never lower our guard, to never forget, to never allow hatred and violence to take over. It is a commitment that we must renew every day, with concrete actions, with courageous choices, with a clear and decisive vision of the future that we want to build. And we, today, with our presence, are renewing this commitment”. Speaking of a neo-fascist massacre, the member of the Meloni government silenced the left’s polemics early in the morning.

#Bologna #Massacre #NeoFascist #Piantedosi #Ruins #Lefts #Day #Polemics #Tempo
2024-08-05 05:56:03



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