Bogotá: February 23, water cuts for 24 hours in 5 locations

Due to maintenance activities, the Bogotá Aqueduct and Sewer Company (EAAB) will restrict the water service in several sectors of the north and west of the city from 8:00 pm on Wednesday, February 23, and for approximately 24 hours.

This operation will allow the dismantling of a valve that is presenting operating problems, and to which inspection and corrective maintenance work must be carried out, since it is generating inconvenience prior to its distribution to the center, north-east and south-west of Bogota. This will be the first of two operations that will be carried out in the Santa Ana Complex. In the second, which will be scheduled in the coming days, the installation of the rehabilitated valve will be carried out.

It is important to clarify that, during the normalization process of the aqueduct service, possible changes in the color of the water may occur without affecting its potability at any time.

To ensure that users have water during this operation, the EAAB recommends filling their reserve tanks and making rational use of the liquid.

Sectors with service suspension for 24 hours

The following sectors will have service suspension during 24 hours, starting from 8:00 pm on Wednesday, February 23 until 8:00 pm on Thursday, February 24. It is worth mentioning that the service normalization process may take up to 6 additional hours, ending at 2:00 am on Friday, February 25.

Town of Engativa:

From Calle 26 Avenue to the Juan Amarillo Wetland, between Carrera 68 Avenue and the Bogotá River.

Barrios: Álamos, Medellín Highway, Bochica, Bochica II, Bolivia, Eastern Bolivia, Boyacá, Engativá II Center, Bachué City, Bachué City I Stage, Bachue II City, Colsubsidio Citadel, El Cortijo, El Dorado, El Dorado Industrial, El Encanto, El Gaco, El Madrigal, El Minute de Dios, El Muelle, El Pantano, El Real, Engativá El Dorado, Engativá Urban Zone, Florencia, Florida Blanca, Garcés Navas, Garcés Navas Oriental, Garcés Navas Sur, Gran Granada, La Faena, La Granja, La Riviera, La Serena, La Soledad Norte, Los Angeles, Los Cerezos, Luis Carlos Galán, Marandú, Western Normandy, Paris, Paris Gaitán, Primavera, Pueblo Viejo, Quirigua I, Quirigua II, Quirigua Oriental, Sabana del Dorado , San Antonio Engativá, San Antonio Urbano, San Ignacio, Santa Helenita, Santa María, Santa Mónica, Tabora, Villa Amalia, Villa del Mar, Villa Gladys, Villa Luz, Villa Sagrario, Villas de Alcalá, Villas de Granada, Villas de Granada I, Western Bellavista, Bonanza, Popular Forest, El Laurel, Garden Botanical, Julio Flórez, La Cabana, La Estrada, La Estradita, The Fairs, The Western Fairs, Metropolis, Normandy, Palo Blanco, San Joaquín, Santa Rosa.

Town of Fontibón:

Area 1: From Calle 26 to Calle 24, between Carrera 68 Avenue and the Bogotá River.

Barrios: El Cedro, Las Navetas, Los Álamos, Pueblo Viejo, San José de Fontibón, Ferrocaja Fontibón, Puerta de Teja, Santa Cecilia.

Area 2: From Calle 26 to Diagonal 13, between Carrera 68 Avenue and Boyacá Avenue.

Neighborhoods: Franco, Roof Farms, La Esperanza Norte, La Esperanza Sur, Montevideo, Salitre Occidental, Terminal de Transportes.

Kennedy Town:

From Calle 13 to Calle 26 Sur, between Avenida Carrera 68 and Avenida Carrera 72.

Barrios: Andalucía II, Chaplaincy, Ciudad Hayuelos, Ciudad Kennedy, Ciudad Salitre Sur, Cooperativa de Sub, Hipotecho, Hipotecho Occidental, Hipotecho Sur, Lusitania, Marsella, Montevideo, New Roof, Officials, Oriental, Provivienda Oriental, Villa Alsacia, Villa Alsacia II .

Town of Suba:

Area 1: From the Salitre River to Calle 171, between Carrera 88 and the Bogotá River.

Area 2: From Calle 128b to the Río Salitre limit, between Carrera 88 and Carrera 7.

Barrios: Altos de Chozica, Almirante Colón, Aures, Aures II, North Barajas, Berlin Bilbao, San Jorge Forest, Campanella, Colsubsidio Citadel, Hunza City, Club de los Lagartos, Costa Azul, El Dorado, El Pino, El Poa, El Rincón , El Rincón Norte, La Carolina de Suba, La Chucua, La Gaitana, La Gaitana Oriental, La Serena, Lake Suba, Las Flores, Las Mercedes I, Las Mercedes Suba, Las Mercedes Suba Rural, Lech Walesa, Lisbon, Lombardy, Los Naranjos, Niza Norte, Niza Suba, Niza sur, Nueva Tibabuyes, Lombardy Pines, Potosí, Potrerillo, Puerta del Sol, Rincón Altamar, Rincón de Santa Inés, Rincón de Suba, Sabana de Tibabuyes, Sabana de Tibabuyes Norte, Salitre Suba , San Carlos de Suba, San Cayetano, San Pedro, Santa Cecilia, Santa Cecilia de Suba I, Santa Rita de Suba, Santa Rosa I, Santa Teresa de Suba, Tibabuyes, Tibabuyes II, Tibabuyes Occidental, Tibabuyes Universal, Toscana, ttes de Colombia, Tuna, Tuna Alta, Tuna Baja, Tuna Rural, Villa, Villa Elisa, Villa Hermosa, Villa Maria, Vil the Maria I.

Town of Usaquen:

From Calle 127A to Calle 127C between Carrera 1E and Carrera 6

Barrios: Geneva II, Urban Páramo I, San Gabriel Norte, Páramo.

Sectors with service suspension for 12 hours:

The following sectors will have service suspension for 12 hours, starting at 10:00 pm on Wednesday, February 23 and until 10:00 am on Thursday, February 24. Subsequently, there will be a service normalization process of up to 6 additional hours, ending at 4:00 pm on Thursday, February 24:

Service suspension: from Wednesday, February 23, 10:00 pm to Thursday, February 24, 10:00 am

Area 1: From Calle 163Da to Calle 173, between Cra. 7 and the limit of the town to the east.

Area 2: From Diagonal 108 to Calle 153, between Cra. 7 and the limit of the town to the east

Barrios: Barrancas Oriental Rural, Bosque de Pinos I, Bosque de Pinos III, Ginebra, La Cita, San Gabriel Norte II, Santa Ana, Segundo Contador, Usaquén, Páramo II Rural, Páramo III Rural.

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