Bogor Health Office Clears Two Suspects of Monkeypox Infection

Head of Disease Prevention and Control Division of Bogor Regency Health Service Adang Mulyana. (Special Doc)

The Bogor District Health Office stated that two monkeypox suspects tested negative and one other is still waiting for laboratory results. This was conveyed by the Head of Disease Prevention and Control Adang Mulyana after three cases of monkeypox suspect patients were found in the area.

“There are three patients that we have declared as suspects or still suspected of having monkeypox. After samples were taken and tested, the results for two patients were declared negative and the other one is still waiting for the results of the laboratory test. The results will be out in about two weeks,” said Adang in Cibinong, Thursday (5/9/2024).

He also appealed to the public not to panic while continuing to implement a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) in their daily lives. This disease is caused by a virus, so maintaining the body’s immune system and implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle are ways to overcome the disease.

“If someone is sick with symptoms of high fever, flu, cough, and red spots on the body, it is recommended to wear a mask. The symptoms of monkeypox are similar to the symptoms of smallpox in general,” he said.

For people who live side by side with people suffering from monkeypox-like diseases, he continued, they must try to keep their distance and wash their hands with soap as often as possible.

He added that the Bogor Regency Government continues to monitor the condition of one patient whose test results have not been released, and the conditions in the area through the health center.

“All health facilities owned by the Bogor Regency Government, starting from community health centers, are of course very ready with handling procedures according to SOP, if there are patients suspected of having monkeypox,” explained Adang.

It also issued an appeal for people who have just traveled from abroad or countries declared endemic to immediately report if they feel any symptoms. Some countries that are endemic to monkeypox include the United States and South Africa. (DD/P-3)

#Bogor #Health #Office #Suspects #Declared #Negative #Monkeypox
Monkeypox Update: Two Suspects Test Negative in Bogor, Indonesia

[Image: Head of Disease Prevention and Control Division of Bogor Regency Health Service Adang Mulyana]

The Bogor District Health Office has announced that two ‌suspected cases ​of monkeypox have tested‌ negative, with one more awaiting‌ laboratory results. This update comes‌ after ​three patients were identified as suspects in the area. Adang Mulyana, Head⁣ of Disease Prevention and Control, shared‌ the information on Thursday, September 5, 2024.

No Need to Panic, But Stay Vigilant

According to Adang, the two ⁢patients who tested negative for monkeypox were ⁤identified through sample testing, while the third patient’s results are pending and expected to be released within two weeks. The health official ⁢appealed to the public not to ​panic, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a‌ clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) to prevent the spread of the disease.

Symptoms and Prevention

Monkeypox is a viral⁣ disease, and a strong immune system is key⁤ to overcoming ⁢it. Adang highlighted the‌ importance ⁢of practicing good hygiene, such as washing‌ hands regularly with‌ soap, to prevent⁢ the spread​ of the⁣ disease. He also advised individuals with‍ symptoms ‍similar to ​smallpox, including high‌ fever, flu, cough, and red spots on​ the body, to wear masks and keep a⁤ safe distance from others.

Community Vigilance Crucial

For those living with individuals​ exhibiting monkeypox-like symptoms, Adang stressed the importance of maintaining a safe distance and⁤ washing hands frequently with soap. By taking ⁢these simple ‍precautions,⁢ the risk of transmission can be significantly reduced.

Government Monitoring ‍and Response

The Bogor Regency Government⁢ is closely monitoring the situation and continues ⁣to provide support and guidance to the affected⁤ patient whose test ⁢results are pending. The government’s swift response and proactive measures demonstrate its commitment ⁢to containing the spread of monkeypox and ensuring ​public‌ safety.

Stay Informed and Take Action

As the global health community continues to grapple with the monkeypox outbreak, it is essential for individuals to stay informed ⁣about the ⁣disease ​and take proactive steps to ⁤protect themselves and others. By adopting a⁢ clean ​and healthy lifestyle, practicing good hygiene, and seeking medical attention if symptoms arise,‍ we⁢ can collectively mitigate the spread of⁤ monkeypox and other infectious diseases.

About Monkeypox

Monkeypox is a ⁣rare viral disease caused by ⁤the monkeypox virus. It was first identified in 1958 and ‌is primarily found in​ the Democratic Republic of Congo.‍ Symptoms of monkeypox are similar to those of smallpox, including fever, headache, muscle aches, and ⁤swollen lymph nodes. The disease can be transmitted⁣ through contact with an infected animal, contaminated materials, or an infected person.

SEO keywords: monkeypox, Bogor, Indonesia, health ‌update, disease ​prevention, clean and healthy lifestyle,⁢ PHBS, symptoms, prevention, government response.



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