Boccia’s Odyssey: From Chigi to the Pulse of the Yellow-Red Revolution

Marco Zonetti

September 14, 2024

Maria Rosaria Boccia seems to have retreated to a hermitage to meditate, at least judging from her latest Instagram story accompanied by a video of a green hilly panorama with the song Un attimo di pace by Eros Ramazzotti in the background. In the meantime, however, some press continues to highlight her relationships with the majority parties and in particular Fratelli d’Italia, such as the recent report by Piazza Pulita which only partially exhumes her past in the Chamber of Deputies (from which she received a daspo a few days ago). Yes, because Boccia first entered the Chamber as an organizer of conferences with various members of the majority in the Conte II and Draghi governments. That is, as already reported by IlTempo, the honorable Federico Conte of Free and Equal, Nicola Acunzo at the time in the ranks of the M5s, and above all Andrea Costa (Noi con l’Italia) then undersecretary of Health, so much so that in a post dated July 10, 2022, ours even thanked the minister Roberto Speranza (Pd) for having accepted one of his projects.

Boccia case, the data that freezes the left. Mieli: where the votes are moving

Even has uncovered another interesting find in the past of the Campania entrepreneur, dating back to Friday, February 28, 2020. On that date, she posted on Instagram a photo taken inside Palazzo Chigi, then occupied by the PD-M5S government chaired by Giuseppe Conte. In the shot, you can see the visitor’s badge and the caption “Try it… you never know”, complete with an enthusiastic smiley and various hashtags alluding to a successful work project. If the photo turns out to be true – and not one of the photomontages we are used to with Boccia – it would mean that the latter, four years ago, was “running around” (to use Marco Travaglio’s term) also in the seat of the Government, and on top of that on a rather peculiar day for Italy.

Pascale reappears: Politics? I gave up, but he shoots at Meloni

Yes, because in that period the cases of Covid were increasing exponentially (on that date there were 888, 37% more than the previous day), and on that very 28th February there had been a press conference of the Civil Protection as well as, in the evening, a council of ministers. About ten days later, after all, we would have entered lockdown. If the shot was fake, why would Maria Rosaria Boccia have had to pretend to be at Palazzo Chigi? And, even worse, if the shot was true, why was she in the seat of the Government in such hectic hours? It would be legitimate to have answers on this matter.

#Boccia #arrived #Chigi #Conte #photos #posts #yellowreds #Tempo
2024-09-14 11:04:29

Withdrawn behavior amidst the ongoing investigations has only intensified public scrutiny.

The Mysterious Case of Maria Rosaria Boccia: Uncovering the Truth ⁣Behind Her Political Connections

Maria​ Rosaria Boccia, a prominent figure in Italian politics, has recently sparked controversy over her alleged‍ connections with the majority parties and her past dealings in⁤ the Chamber of Deputies. As⁢ she seemingly retreats ⁣to a hermitage to meditate, the Italian ⁣press continues‍ to dig deeper into her relationships⁤ with prominent politicians and‍ parties, including Fratelli d’Italia.

A Brief History of ⁣Boccia’s Political Involvement

Boccia first entered ⁣the Chamber of Deputies‌ as an organizer of conferences with various members of the majority, including Federico Conte of Free and Equal, Nicola Acunzo of the M5S, and Andrea Costa of ⁢Noi con l’Italia. ​Her connections ‍with these parties date back to the Conte ‍II and Draghi ​governments. In‌ a post dated July 10,⁣ 2022,⁤ Boccia even thanked Minister Roberto Speranza of the PD for accepting one of her projects.

New Evidence Emerges

Recent investigations have ⁢uncovered more⁢ intriguing⁢ details ​about Boccia’s past. On Friday, February 28, 2020, she ‍posted a photo on ‌Instagram taken inside Palazzo Chigi, ‍the seat of the Italian​ government, during the PD-M5S government chaired ‍by Giuseppe‌ Conte. The ⁢photo shows her wearing a visitor’s badge and sporting a wide smile, with the ⁢caption “Try it… you‌ never know.” If the ⁣photo is genuine, it raises questions about her involvement with the government at a critical time, just days ‍before Italy went into‍ lockdown due ⁤to the COVID-19 pandemic.

More Questions Than ‍Answers

The emergence of this new evidence has ‌sparked more questions⁤ about Boccia’s true intentions‌ and the extent of her connections with the Italian government and various political parties.‌ Was she ⁣indeed “running around”⁢ (to ‌use Marco Travaglio’s term) ⁣in the seat of ‍the government, and if so, ⁤what was her role? Why did she thank Minister Speranza ​for⁤ accepting her​ project, and what was the nature of this project?

A Pattern of Controversy

Boccia’s past is marked ⁣by controversy, and ​this ⁤latest revelation only adds ⁤fuel to⁣ the fire. Her connections‍ with various political parties and figures ​have raised eyebrows, and⁣ her seemingly


The Mysterious Political Ties of Maria Rosaria Boccia: Uncovering the Hidden Connections


Maria Rosaria Boccia, a Campania entrepreneur, has been making headlines lately with her controversial Instagram stories and alleged connections to Italian politicians. In this article, we will delve into the mysterious political ties of Maria Rosaria Boccia, uncovering the hidden connections and revealing the truth behind her high-profile relationships.

The Latest Developments

Recently, Boccia posted an Instagram story featuring a serene green hilly landscape, accompanied by Eros Ramazzotti’s “Un attimo di pace” in the background. The post sparked speculation about her possible retreat to a hermitage for meditation. However, amidst the tranquility, some press outlets continued to highlight her relationships with majority parties, particularly Fratelli d’Italia.

Uncovering the Past

Boccia’s political ties date back to her time in the Chamber of Deputies, where she organized conferences with various members of the majority in the Conte II and Draghi governments. According to reports, she worked with notable figures such as Federico Conte of Free and Equal, Nicola Acunzo of the M5s, and Andrea Costa of Noi con l’Italia. In fact, in a post dated July 10, 2022, Boccia thanked Minister Roberto Speranza (Pd) for accepting one of her projects.

A Surprise Visit to Palazzo Chigi

Further investigation revealed a fascinating find in Boccia’s past. On February 28, 2020, she posted an Instagram photo taken inside Palazzo Chigi, the official residence of the Prime Minister of Italy. The photo showed her visitor’s badge and a caption that read “Try it… you never know,” complete with an enthusiastic smiley and various hashtags alluding to a successful work project. If the photo is authentic, it would suggest that Boccia had access to the seat of the Government, raising questions about the nature of her relationships with Italian politicians.

More Connections Revealed

Boccia’s ties to Italian politics run deeper than initially thought. A recent report by Piazza Pulita partially exposed her past in the Chamber of Deputies, from which she received a daspo (a ban from attending parliamentary sessions) a few days ago. Moreover, her connections to Andrea Costa, the then Undersecretary of Health, and other high-profile figures have sparked concerns about her influence in Italian politics.


The mysterious political ties of Maria Rosaria Boccia have raised more questions than answers. As we continue to uncover the hidden connections behind her high-profile relationships, one thing is clear: Boccia’s influence in Italian politics is a subject that warrants further investigation and scrutiny. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.

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Maria Rosaria Boccia

Italian politics

Palazzo Chigi

Fratelli d’Italia

Conte II

Draghi governments

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