Boccia Saga: Sangiuliano Announces Rai Comeback and Reveals Ambitious Plans Ahead

Gennaro Sangiuliano resigned yesterday from his position as Minister of Culture, being replaced by Alessandro Giuli. The journalist then vented in an interview with Il Messaggero, speaking of the consequences of the Boccia case: “Now I will act, together with the lawyers who will help me, as my own lawyer. Do you know that I have a degree in law and a doctorate in law? I know very well how to file complaints against journalists and unfortunately, now directly on my skin even if I would never have imagined such terrible cynicism and such strong contempt for the person, I know the devastating danger of fake news. I expect millions and millions in compensation”.

“Now – the former minister continues – I need to detox a bit, then I’ll go back to writing and working, and in the meantime I’ll dust off my legal knowledge to have those who wrote lies convicted in court. I also want to recover my feelings – he underlines -, stay close to my wife who I remain in love with and take stock of my political life. They want to make me look like an outcast but I feel at peace with my conscience, I haven’t betrayed the institutions, I haven’t used even one euro of public money for a coffee. Does the Court of Auditors want to investigate? All right, it’s all in my interest to demonstrate impeccable behavior”.

Meloni blasts Boccia: “My idea about women...”. And she doesn’t forget Sangiuliano

Sangiuliano reiterates that the prime minister “Giorgia Meloni was understanding, she didn’t push me to leave, she listened to me as always, she left me free to make my choice”. “This – he continues – was my decision, because the pigeon shooting was becoming too hard and too unfair”. Finally, when asked if he will return to Rai he responds as follows: “Of course I will return. As did Marrazzo, Badaloni and many others who took leave to get involved in politics. I am a Rai employee with an indefinite contract. I will return to my job and to the company where I grew up. But I don’t want a prominent position. I will try to have a lateral position. There is too much relentlessness in the world of power”.

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#Boccia #case #Rai #Sangiuliano #reveals #plans #future #announces #lawsuit #Tempo
2024-09-11 01:01:38

What led to Gennaro Sangiuliano’s resignation as Minister of Culture in Italy?

Gennaro Sangiuliano: The​ Resigned Minister of Culture Embroiled in Controversy

Gennaro Sangiuliano, the former Minister of‍ Culture, has found himself​ at the center ⁤of a heated controversy, leading to his resignation‌ from the‍ position [[1]]. The ex-minister is currently ⁤under investigation by the ⁣Rome Prosecutor’s Office, and his⁢ name has been linked to⁣ a scandalous affair involving Maria Rosaria⁢ Boccia, a woman with whom he allegedly had a romantic relationship [[2]].

Sangiuliano, who has a degree in law and⁢ a doctorate in law, has vehemently denied any wrongdoing and ​has threatened‌ to‌ file complaints against journalists who have ⁤written about the case, accusing them of spreading fake news [[1]].‌ He ⁤claims ‍to​ have acted ​with impeccable behavior ⁤during ‌his ‍tenure as Minister of Culture, never using public ‍money for personal gain.

In an‌ interview with Il ⁤Messaggero,⁣ Sangiuliano ⁣expressed ‍his desire to “detox” and focus on his writing and work, while ​also seeking to clear ⁣his name and reputation⁢ [[1]]. He stated that⁢ he would return ⁣to his job at Rai, where⁢ he has an indefinite contract, but would opt for a lateral position, citing the relentlessness of the​ world of‍ power‌ [[1]].

Meanwhile, Maria Rosaria Boccia ‌has spoken out on social media, claiming to be ⁣the victim of blackmail ‌and‍ stating ​that she ⁤had a relationship with Sangiuliano, but ⁤never received any financial benefits from‍ the Ministry of Culture [[2]].

As the investigation continues, Sangiuliano’s⁣ reputation‍ hangs in the balance. While he ⁣has ‍maintained his innocence, the circumstances surrounding ‌his resignation and the⁣ ongoing‌ scandal have left many questions unanswered.

In ⁤a related development, ​Boccia’s ex-husband has come forward, warning Sangiuliano that he “doesn’t ⁢know what’s waiting for

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The Boccia Case: A Political Scandal Rocks Italy

The Italian political landscape has been shaken by a recent scandal involving Gennaro Sangiuliano, the former Minister of Culture, and a 41-year-old woman named Boccia. The case has sparked widespread controversy and has led to Sangiuliano’s resignation from his position.

The Background

The scandal began when Boccia publicly thanked Sangiuliano on social media for an unknown favor, sparking speculation about the nature of their relationship. It was later revealed that Boccia had been appointed to a government position, leading to accusations of cronyism and abuse of power.

The Investigation

The Rome Prosecutor’s Office has launched an investigation into the case, and Sangiuliano has been accused of embezzlement and revealing confidential information [[1]]. The investigation is ongoing, and Sangiuliano has denied any wrongdoing, stating that he will take legal action against those who have defamed him.

The Fallout

The scandal has had significant consequences for Sangiuliano, who has resigned from his position as Minister of Culture. He has been replaced by Alessandro Giuli, and Sangiuliano has vowed to take legal action against those who have written “lies” about him.

The Reaction

The scandal has sparked widespread outrage, with many calling for greater transparency and accountability in government. Boccia’s ex-husband has also weighed in on the controversy, stating that Sangiuliano “doesn’t know what awaits him” [[2]].

The Broader Implications

The Boccia case has raised questions about the influence of powerful politicians and the need for greater scrutiny of government appointments. It has also sparked a wider debate about the role of women in politics and the need for greater accountability and transparency.


The Boccia case is a significant scandal that has rocked the Italian political establishment. As the investigation continues, it remains to be seen what consequences Sangiuliano will face. However, one thing is clear: the case has sparked a much-needed conversation about accountability and transparency in government.


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