Bobby’s Name Appears at Bribery Trial of Former North Maluku Governor, KPK Waits for Prosecutor’s Report – 2024-08-06 05:22:00

Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution.(MI/Usman Iskandar)

THE Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has spoken out about the emergence of the name of Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution in the bribery trial of former North Maluku Governor Abdul Gani Kasuba. The follow-up will be handed over to the prosecutor.

“If it is related to that, we will return it to the public prosecutor,” said KPK spokesperson Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto in Jakarta, Tuesday (6/8).

Tessa explained that the prosecutor has full rights to arrange the trial for the needs of evidence in the Abdul Gani case. The opportunity to present Bobby in the trial is determined by the public prosecutors.

“If the witness’s statement in question is really needed in order to strengthen the judge’s confidence in deciding the case, of course a summons can be carried out as there is already jurisprudence,” said Tessa.

The KPK ensures that all trial facts are investigated. Later, the prosecutor will make a report for further consideration by the KPK’s Deputy for Enforcement.

Bobby’s name was associated with the term ‘Medan Block’ in Abdul Gani’s trial. The allusion meant the management of mining business permits in North Maluku.

‘Medan Block’ was mentioned by one of the witnesses as a name for Bobby Nasution. The witness also confirmed that the Bobby in question was the mayor of Medan. (Can)

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