Boadilla del Monte asks carsharing companies to operate in the municipality

Boadilla del Monte It is the only municipality with more than 50,000 inhabitants that does not have a commuter train station. A vital service to facilitate the transport and mobility of its residents, and after three years there is still no news of the feasibility study commissioned by the Ministry of Transport for its construction.

The City Council is desperate, so much so that it has sent a letter to all car-sharing companies to request that they provide their services in the town, as another way to alleviate the transport and mobility problem that the municipality has, especially in sectors 13 and B, and Viñas Viejas.

In fact, according to the council, transport and mobility are the issues that most concern residents in satisfaction surveys. 47% of residents consider that the municipality’s transport is scarce, infrequent and slow, which makes it the main problem, taking into account that Boadilla is the only municipality in the Community of Madrid with more than 50,000 inhabitants that does not have a commuter train.

The companies that the mayor Javier Ubeda ZITY, WIBLE, SHARE NOW/FREE2MOVE, GoTo Global, VOLTIO and UBEEQO have been invited to provide their services. These brands are already operating in Madrid, although the City Council recognises that it wants to provide all possible facilities to any company that facilitates the transport of residents.

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Mobility problems which, in addition to the lack of commuter trains, are compounded by those generated in various parts of the municipality.

This new initiative is added to all the actions that the City Council has been carrying out in recent years to alleviate these mobility and transport problems within the municipality and with nearby towns.

Thus, in addition to the works that have allowed different areas of Boadilla to be connected, there is the permanent demand for the arrival of the commuter train, whose Feasibility Study should already be completed, and for the construction of a third lane on the M-50, northbound between the two tunnels located in Boadilla to the M-503.

Boadilla asks Transport for a third lane on the M-50 to the M-513

In addition, work is currently being done, with a municipal budget, on a direct connection to the M-50 from the M-513 and Infante D. Luis, which will substantially improve traffic in one of the most problematic areas of the municipality, and a project is being developed to lower the M-513 to the roundabout that connects Avenida Condesa de Chinchón with Avenida Monte Segovia, the most problematic area for traffic in the municipality.



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