The body mass index (BMI) is the first point of reference for many people to think more regarding their body weight. But did you know that there is not only this measurement parameter? We present you the most common ones BMI-Alternativen and show you why they are better than BMI.
Everything regarding “BMI alternatives”:
BMI alternative: That is why BMI is not a good measurement parameter
The BMI can give us information regarding the range in which our weight is moving. Of course there is no such thing as ONE weight and ultimately you have to be comfortable in your body. If you still want to know how your height and weight relate to each other, forget the BMI. We have found a much better measurement parameter for you.
Because the BMI is far too imprecise. The fat percentage of your body is more important – and it has nothing to do with the body mass index. Because this only measures all the fat on the body and the muscle mass. However, that is more important fat on the stomachwhich can be harmful to health. These fat cells secrete substances that can promote calcification of the arteries and thus pose an increased risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes.
WHR: This measurement parameter is better than BMI
So if you want a reliable measure of whether your weight is healthy or not, you should look to the WHR – the waist-to-hip ratio. With this measurement parameter, the Waist circumference divided by hip circumference. For women, the ideal value that indicates a healthy weight is below 0.8. Anyone with a value above 0.84 is considered obese.
What does obese mean? Obesity is defined as pathogenic, significantly increased overweight, which is harmful to health.
The WHtr, the waist size index, can also give you more information than the BMI itself. In doing so, he will Waist circumference divided by height. For women, depending on their age, the value should be around 0.40. For teenagers and older people, the value may deviate up or down. There is little room for error when measuring using this method, as everyone knows their height and it will not change significantly over the years.
BMI is out – WHR is in!
As you can see, you can use the WHR as a BMI alternative to find out a lot more regarding your weight and health. With the waist-to-hip ratio, you can to provide more detailed information – and just let the BMI be BMI. But once once more a reminder: every body is beautiful. It doesn’t matter what the BMI or WHR is. Just pay attention to your health and the fact that you feel good, the rest will all come by itself.
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