BMA prepares to watch out for smallpox in Bangkok | RYT9

Mr. Soonthorn Sunthornchat, director of the Department of Health (DNI), Bangkok, discussed the progress of coordinating with the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) in investigating the control of smallpox in Bangkok. Together with the relevant district offices, has coordinated with the Institute for Urban Disease Prevention and Control (Public Organization), Division of Epidemiology. The Ministry of Public Health investigated three new cases of smallpox in Bangkok in the past 2 weeks. by collecting samples Oropharyngeal swab high risk exposure (No infection found) and followed up every 7 days for 21 days. BMA know immediately Including collecting samples for surface inspection for the detection of smallpox pathogens provide health education in surveillance and disease prevention Introduce how to clean and disinfect the workplace area and create public relations boards to educate customers regarding smallpox and self-prevention. At the same time notified the affiliated hospital BMA and district offices to prepare guidelines for surveillance and prevention of smallpox monkeys It also informs the network of civil society organizations that deal with LGBTQ issues to promote their target audience in another way. along with emphasizing the correct way to promote knowledge and understanding By asking people to avoid close contact with infected people and people who are at risk of infection. Wear a mask, keep a distance and wash your hands often. Refrain from having sex and avoid close contact with people who have fever and rashes, blisters, and pustules around the body. abstain from sex or close contact with strangers or did not know the history before

Ms. Lertlak Leelasaewsaeng, director of the Medical Office of Bangkok, said that all hospitals in Bangkok have been ordered to monitor patients, both emergency rooms (ER) and outpatients (OPD). including hospitals with specialized clinics such as sexually transmitted disease clinics Dermatology Clinic Including assigning Sirindhorn Hospital to open a new emerging disease control operation center in order to closely monitor and monitor the smallpox situation If a suspected patient is found, they must be quarantined and notified immediately to the BMA executives and the Ministry of Public Health. If a patient is found, the infected patient must be isolated from others. risk of such infection But such vaccination should only be done for people whose work is at risk. or close to people or only infected animals And the vaccine can still be received following being infected no more than 14 days. If you have any symptoms of illness, seek medical attention immediately and isolate. to prevent the spread of infection or ask for more information at the health hotline Medical Office, Bangkok, Tel. 1646, 24 hours a day.

In addition, ask the public to follow the news closely. If you have to travel to a country where smallpox patients have been found, Care should be taken to avoid contact with pests. and following returning from an outbreak country Notice the symptoms Because the disease is caused by close contact. Not easily contagious. Measures used to prevent COVID-19 can also be used to prevent smallpox. If abnormalities are found such as fever, rash on the face, arms and legs, seek medical attention immediately. Including following Universal Prevention measures, regularly washing hands with soap. or alcohol gel often, spaced, not mingled with patients or those who have pustules, pustules, for men who have sex with men and have many sex partners Able to receive counseling at the Diversity Sexual Health Clinic Bangkok (BKK Pride Clinic) in 5 hospitals under the BMA, consisting of Central Hospital Tel. 02 220 8000 ext. 10350 Taksin Hospital Tel. 02 4370 123 ext. 1136, 1140 Charoen Krung Pracharak Hospital Tel. 02 2897 890 Ratchapipat Hospital Tel. 02 102 4222 or 02 421 2222 and Sirindhorn Hospital Tel. 02 3286 900 – 15 ext. 10268, 10269

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