Blueberries: The Best Fruit for Managing Diabetes and Maintaining a Healthy Weight

2023-11-05 12:24:51

Blueberries are best because they are low in calories and rich in fiber.

Entered 2023.11.04 09:25 Views 6,392 Entered 2023.11.04 09:25 Modified 2023.11.04 09:33 Views 6,392 Blueberries are considered the best fruit for managing or preventing diabetes. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Diabetes is a disease in which insulin is not produced or does not function properly, resulting in high levels of glucose in the blood. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that converts glucose in the blood into energy.

Blood high in glucose is sticky, causing problems with blood vessels and increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, retinal disease, and neurological disease. Some say that if you have diabetes, you should not eat certain fruits.

Fruits are a source of carbohydrates, which means they break down faster than fats and proteins and have a greater impact on blood sugar. However, experts say, “There is no need to completely exclude certain fruits. Even diabetics can technically eat all foods, including fruits, if they integrate food quantity control and quality, and it can be a healthy and balanced diet.” He says.

Fruits, in particular, are full of essential nutrients our bodies need, from fighting inflammation to reducing the risk of chronic diseases like cancer. The pulp and edible skin can be an excellent source of fiber.

It helps hydrate people who have difficulty drinking enough water. Therefore, it is best for diabetic patients to eat fruit as is and in moderation. So, what fruits are good for people with diabetes?

Citrus fruits, cherries, kiwis, pears, and apples are recommended fruits for diabetic patients, and nutrition experts say, “Among the fruits, blueberries are the best.” According to the British daily Daily Mail, nutrition experts specializing in diabetes management say, “This is because blueberries have the lowest risk of causing blood sugar spikes.”

A blood sugar spike is a symptom in which blood sugar levels rapidly increase and then drop rapidly following a meal compared to before a meal. In the United States, approximately 30 million people suffer from type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Jocelyn Loran, a diabetes nutritionist at the University of Maryland Charles Regional Medical Center, explained why she recommends a cup of blueberries to people with diabetes or at risk of diabetes. First, blueberries are high in fiber, which can prevent blood sugar spikes, which slows down the rate at which the sugar (fructose) in the fruit is released into the bloodstream.

One cup of blueberries contains regarding 3.6 grams of fiber, while a banana contains 3.1 grams. Apples contain slightly more fiber but have 4 grams less fructose.

Blueberries are very low in calories and have a lower risk of weight gain than other fruits. One cup of blueberries has 84 calories, but a banana has 105 calories. Previous research has shown that eating a low-calorie diet can alleviate diabetes through weight loss.

Blueberries are also rich in nutrients that are good for your health. It contains fiber, vitamins C, K, and manganese. Manganese is a trace mineral that helps with the body’s connective tissue and bone formation and blood clotting.

According to a study published this year in the journal Food Production, Processing and Nutrition (Cardiovascular disease protective properties of blueberry polyphenols (Vaccinium corymbosum): a concise review), plant compounds contained in blueberries Phosphorus polyphenols can reduce the risk of diabetes by improving blood sugar levels.

“Both fresh, frozen or canned blueberries are nutritionally the same,” said Dr. Loran. “However, canned products are more likely to contain syrup with added sugar, so soak canned products with syrup in water before eating. “You can reduce the sugar content by soaking and rinsing.”

#fruits #diabetes #management #prevention

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