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[한겨레21] Kim So-hee’s Politics
Comparison with the previous administration in every case
“The previous administration blamed it more,” Halla said.

President Yoon Seok-yeol looking at the blank paper. provided by the presidential office

“Amidst the sweltering steam, if I have to give you one piece of cool news, it is that it has only been two months since President Yun Seok-yeol took office.” Another friend responded to this kind of greeting from one friend. “Oh, stop it. hotter.” My friends and I noticed the B-cut photos of the president and his wife from the NATO summit as soon as they were released. The fact that the person who picked this photo is the owner of the ‘joking’ sensibility that prevailed in the early to mid 1990s at least. You get a sense of what you want to stand out from your eyes as you compose it. You can feel the hard work you put in to achieve ‘vibration in cool’. The president is doing a great job, Mrs. Ms. You are elegant, and you two are cool and friendly. I don’t think there will be a separate executive team working in the 21st century’s presidential office with a 20th century feel. If so, is there an owner of ‘that sensibility’ very close to the president? Kim Kun-hee and Minister of Justice Han Dong-hoon? If, by any chance, Mrs. Kun-hee Kim is involved in this kind of publicity, it is likely that we will often experience a bizarre and ridiculous ‘time slip’ in the future. The president is sensitive to praise. But we did too. For those who have been on a business trip to Europe, the approval rating has not rebounded, but rather a ‘dead cross’ in which negative reviews outweigh positive ones. Still, he was a person who had complexes in many ways during the last administration. If not, when asked what to do with the Minister of Health and Welfare Kim Seung-hee, who was the subject of investigation by the prosecution at a briefing meeting on the way to work on July 4, 2022, he replied, “I am proud that I have selected the right people.” mightn’t do it The next day, the Minister of Education Park Soon-ae, who had raised concerns even within the ruling party due to his drunk driving history, set up a date, saying, “Have you ever seen such a wonderful person among the ministers appointed by the previous administration?” On that day, he hastily hung up on questions or waved his fingers somewhat emotionally, saying, “Compare with other regimes.” “Approval ratings don’t mean much, I only think of the people,” he tried hard to pretend he was determined, but in one day, the whole nation saw his disbelief. The quick decision and ability to execute must be the strengths of the president, which he has honed since the days of the prosecution, but it is a pity that it does not work at all in personnel difficulties and poor verification. stubbornness and stubbornness stand out. He seems to be conscious of himself. At the award ceremony for the appointment letter of the Minister of Education, which was appointed without a hearing at the National Assembly, the president said, “I suffered a lot because I was attacked by the media and the opposition,” and said, “Do your best.” For some reason, the new minister might not make eye contact properly. For over two months, he has not even fully formed a cabinet. He was neither able to properly filter out the unqualified nor to quickly settle down. Mixing up the construction is annoying all the time. When it became known that the spouse of the presidential office’s personnel secretary accompanied him on an overseas tour as an attendant, the president’s office was initially called “unpaid volunteers” and then changed the word to “planned and supported the entire schedule.” No, what kind of volunteers plan and support the tour schedule. I work forcibly and try to hide it once more, and I get sick of it. Rather than rushing to ‘plausible packaging’ to attract a personal relationship, it is a matter of building up a good staff and listening to advice ‘faithful to the content’. Politics has an opponent, but you shouldn’t just look at the opponent. The ‘reference group’ or ‘reference person’ in President Yoon Seok-yeol’s mind seems to be the former administration and former President Moon Jae-in. I wonder if bitter voices will come out from within the ruling party as well. People’s Strength spokesperson Park Min-young said, “An answer to ‘Didn’t the Democratic Party also do that?’ can be a logic to block the Democratic Party’s mouth, but it cannot answer the people’s questions.” Wouldn’t the president’s speech sooner or later say, ‘The previous administration also blamed the previous administration’ and ‘Moon Jae-in blamed Park Geun-hye more’. Maybe the president is still fighting the previous government? You have won, and we must move forward.
Kim So-hee Columnist

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*Kim So-hee’s Politics Dignity: This is an observation column for ‘high-class’ politicians and politicians.



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