Bloomberg Price of the dollar after the start of trading today

The price of dollar presents a slight variation after today’s exchange session began, tuesday january 15.

As reported by Bloomberg, as of 09:00 am the exchange rate It was S/ 3.79 at the interbank level with a downward trend.

However, then the currency showed a slight rise, rising around 0.20% in the peruvian market.

From 10:00 a.m. on greenback presents a price that amounts to S/ 3.80 at the interbank level, and could continue to vary.

The recent trend of the dollar is not consistent with what is recorded at the global level, since the american currency It was trading in a downward trend.

After the reduction of tensions between Russia and Ukrainedue to the withdrawal of Russian troops from the borders, there was a greater interest in risk assets, such as Latin American currencies.

Despite this, there is still no trend clear for the next few days or hours in the financial markets.

“The markets are very volatile and fragile, therefore any change in the external situation affects them in an important way and, just as they are now favored by a greater calm at the global level, this may change drastically in the following day,” he said. a foreign currency trader.

Dollar price for buying and selling

The platform, how much is the, indicates that in money changers the dollar it is bought at S/ 3.78 and it is sold at around S/ 3,815.

In the digital exchange houses, it is reported that the green ticket is bought at S/ 3.79 and sold at approximately S/ 3.82.

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Note that the exchange rate will continue to change until today’s close at 1:30 pm, so these prices may still change.

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