Blood puts ‘protein crown’ on drug-laden nanoparticles

The delivery of drugs to target organs using nanoparticles is significantly hindered by their interaction with blood proteins. The Laboratory of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Precious Metals at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted a fundamental study on this issue, with the results published in the international journal Mendeleev Communications.

When encountering various proteins in the body, primarily those found in the blood, drug-carrying nanoparticles become coated with a layer of protein molecules – a protein corona, as scientists call it. This hinders the release of the active substance, negating the therapeutic effect of the drug.

Studying these processes directly in the body (in vivo) is challenging; therefore, it is necessary to simulate the environment in vitro – in a test tube.

“In our work, the interaction of nanoparticles with protein components of biological fluids is studied using the example of magnetic nanoparticles from Fe3O4@SiO2 (modified iron oxides, which have shown promise as a means of controlled drug delivery) with albumin. Albumin is a protein that dominates the blood serum,” explains the head of the laboratory of geochemistry and analytical chemistry of noble metals at GEOKHI RAS, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Irina Kubrakova.

Experiments have demonstrated how the configuration of the protein layer depends on the size of the nanoparticles and the concentration of the drug they carry. Depending on whether a monolayer of protein molecules is formed (“hard corona”) or a looser “soft corona,” or layered structures with alternation, it is possible to select promising nanomaterials for the treatment of specific diseases.

Overcoming the Protein Barrier: A Deeper Look at Nanoparticle Drug Delivery

The delivery of drugs to specific target organs using nanoparticles holds immense promise for revolutionizing medicine. However, a major hurdle in this area is the interaction of nanoparticles with blood proteins, which can significantly hinder their efficacy.

The Laboratory of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Precious Metals at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences has conducted extensive research on this critical challenge, shedding light on the complex interplay between nanoparticles and proteins.

The Protein Crown: A Challenge to Overcome

When nanoparticles encounter various proteins in the bloodstream, they become enveloped by a layer of protein molecules, forming a “protein crown.” This phenomenon, while fascinating from a scientific perspective, presents a significant obstacle to drug delivery.

The presence of the protein crown can hinder the release of the active drug substance, ultimately negating the intended therapeutic effect.

Simulating the Complex In Vivo Environment

Directly studying the intricate interactions between nanoparticles and proteins within a living organism (in vivo) is incredibly challenging. Therefore, scientists often rely on in vitro simulations to mimic the complex biological environment of the body.

“Our research involved studying the interaction of nanoparticles with protein components of biological fluids, specifically using the example of magnetic nanoparticles from Fe3O4@SiO2 (modified iron oxides, which are deemed promising for controlled drug delivery) and albumin. Albumin is a dominant protein found in blood serum,” explains Dr. Irina Kubrakova, head of the laboratory of geochemistry and analytical chemistry of noble metals at GEOKHI RAS.

Unraveling the Secrets of Protein Layer Formation

Through meticulous experimentation, scientists have observed that the configuration of the protein layer surrounding nanoparticles is influenced by two key factors: nanoparticle size and drug concentration.

The formation of a monolayer of protein molecules, referred to as a “hard crown,” can restrict drug release. Conversely, a looser “soft crown” or layered structures with alternating protein layers may offer more favorable conditions for drug delivery.

Understanding the Impact on Drug Delivery

The insights gained from these studies are crucial for optimizing drug delivery strategies. By understanding how protein crowns form and their impact on nanoparticle behavior, scientists can:

  • Design nanoparticles that effectively circumvent the protein barrier.
  • Develop methods for controlled drug release.
  • Select the most promising nanomaterials for specific therapeutic applications.

Harnessing the Power of Nanomaterials

The pursuit of effective drug delivery strategies using nanoparticles continues to drive advancements in medicine. By overcoming the challenges posed by protein interactions, scientists are unlocking the true potential of nanomaterials in treating a wide range of diseases.

The research conducted at the Vernadsky Institute highlights the importance of understanding the complex interplay between nanoparticles and proteins. This knowledge will undoubtedly pave the way for the development of more targeted and efficient drug delivery systems, ultimately improving patient outcomes.



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