Blood Incantation – Luminescent Bridge

2023-09-19 08:06:54

from Oliver
am 19. September 2023
in Single

Blood Incantation come to all those who hear the band as a better death metal than ambient group, with the duality of their being holistically connected Luminescent Bridge at least halfway there.

After the polarizing Timewave Zero Last year marked the opening, almost nine minutes Obliquity of the Ecliptic a return to the realms with which the band from Denver finds its way Starspawn (2016) and Hidden History of the Human Race (2019) established themselves as veritable stars of the death scene: progressive and brutally rattling Blood Incantation regarding progressive paths beyond the legacy of Morbid Angel and Immolationincited powerful riffs and flattening heaviness with pressure, even with a pinch of occultism, but above all they captivated with an increasingly brilliant arc of tension that only hints at drifting into space ambient, only to build up to a truly epic level through anthemic solos to fulfill a fruitful climax in order to resolve in a conciliatory way in transcendence.

This is where the title track ends up almost taking over the 10 minute mark Luminescent Bridgewhich is an organic ambient with guitars melancholically lost in thought, drifting atmospherically dreamily in an abstract beauty, synths and sparkling piano keys nestling once morest elegiac, economical drum attacks and wailing guitar shadows, completely decelerated, but also up to an almost fandara-like droning finale mystical and noticeably optimistic.
Where the quartet celebrates one side of its character with the usual class, the second achieves a more rounded, harmonious symbiosis with the non-metal ambitions – which is why this short format, which officially operates as a single, really makes you want to go on album number 3 .

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