“While everywhere in France, we are witnessing a worrying demobilization raising fears of the shortage of blood-derived products, we are witnessing a slow rise in the number of donors in our catchment area. Indeed, on Wednesday August 17 in Salvagnac , 54 donors showed up, 51 of whom were taken, 4 were new donors. Some loyal donors on leave have been replaced by passing tourists,” said Colette Viard.
The president of the Pays de Cajarc Blood Donor Association “thanks all these people for having given a little of their time and for having accomplished this gesture of solidarity which the sick need so much. We remain confident for the future. , and there is no doubt that the return, from the collection to Cajarc, will see the number of donors rise to its usual level, i.e. around 80, or even more”.
The next blood drive is normally scheduled for Monday, October 24. However, the place is not yet defined. Will the Cajarc village hall be open following the works? The collection cannot take place at the village hall of Salvagnac-Cajarc, because work on the suspension bridge is scheduled for this fall, the date of their completion has not yet been announced.